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been dreamin' that you feel it too,i 𝘄𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 what it's like to be loved by you  ・ 。゚☆: *

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been dreamin' that you feel it too,
i 𝘄𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 what it's like to be loved by you
  ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

ASHLEY had had the worst night possible.

Even after spending her evening in the attic with her mom talking all things Sunset Curve and going through Alex's things - the blonde was sure her brother had appeared halfway through, she had seen a flash of movement in the corner, but she never looked too closely - Ashley just wasn't feeling the day at all.

When her father had come home after their argument, he wouldn't speak to Ashley no matter how much both she and her mother tried to coax him.

He loved Ashley and Ashley loved him but he was stubborn. When he set his mind to something, he didn't back down until there was no possible way he could hold out any longer. It wasn't the first time he had refused to talk to Ashley.

It had made Ashley feel the worst about telling him what she knew and she had spent most of the night up by lamplight, writing away her feelings. She was exhausted, emotionally drained and if she didn't have a duty to her best friends, she would've stayed home and away from anything involving school or people.

Even when Julie and Flynn were both in her car on the way to school, Ashley wouldn't speak. It wasn't that she didn't want to talk to them - they were both immediately worried when Ashley didn't breathe a word to either of them on the way to school - it was the fact that Ashley was afraid that if she opened her mouth, she would start crying and that was one thing she didn't want to do.

The three of them were walking through the corridors when Flynn spoke.

"You're really not gonna say a word to us?" Ashley knew she wasn't being horrible to her - did Flynn even have a 'more than slightly' horrible bone in her body? - so the blonde didn't take the comment too personally. "Ash, you know you can talk to us about anything. Whatever's going on, I mean-"

"What Flynn means-" Julie shot Flynn a look so sharp it could've cut glass. Julie had seen this kind of mood on Ashley before, many times, and she knew it meant she was having problems at home. It was worrying for her because the last time this had happened, Ashley had detached herself from everyone for almost a week, but Julie knew there were ways she could bring her back. Even if that meant having to get Reggie involved- "is that we're here for you.

"You don't have to talk to us right now, Ash Attack, not if you don't want to. If you wanna save your words for when your mind feels better, then you save your words. You know Flynn and I are going nowhere, apart from to class of course, but whenever you feel up to talking about it, you know we'll always be here."

FAR FROM NORMAL ── REGGIE PETERSWhere stories live. Discover now