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"Yes Mr Kwon, what are your orders sir."

"Follow the young master as he does my task for him. Make sure nothing goes wrong. Don't disappoint me."

"Yes sir."


"Hyung please please please answer me..."

I was staring at my phone for the umpteenth time that day. It was 630pm and the stage was going to start at 8pm. I sent out the message 3 days ago, but he hasn't answered... I guess he has been very busy. I have to do it before the fans come at 7pm. I sighed, before securing my phone in my pocket, ensuring my mask and hoodie stayed on and ran into the darkness. If I didn't do it now, I would get caught. I'm so sorry hyung...

I climbed up one of the pillars using suction boots and gloves before reaching the top. Luckily, one of the tiny platforms was nearby so I took the rope tied on my belt, securing it around the pillar and on my belt, before swinging to that platform. 

'The8' The name on the tiny placard read. That means that hyung's one is directly across. There were wires and rods holding the platforms together so carefully sliding on one of the rods, I ran to his platform, trying my best to keep in the shadows. 

On the platform was a long cloth attached to the ceiling, all bundled up. I could not tamper with the hook that was attached to the cloth as it was much higher and I could not reach it. Screw my height. Furthermore, that would be too obvious as when he is rolling the cloth, it might already fall apart. Looking at the dark surroundings and the red cloth, I thought of an idea. Taking out a penknife, I left slits and cuts on some parts of the cloth. It was enough for the cloth to break, but obvious enough to see if one was observant enough too. That should protect my hyung. Keeping the penknife, I hurried back down the same way. 

6.55 pm my watch read. I had 5 minutes to disappear into the shadows before the audience come. I ran to the back of the venue and hid. 

7.00pm the fans started filing into the venue.

7.10pm half the venue is filled.

7.20pm more fans come in.

7.30pm all the fans have came and were seated.

7.40pm. A soft ding sounded.

There were two messages on my phone. I went to the one titled father first


2351212 415145 1325 191514!

I rolled my eyes and ignored the message.

I scrolled to the one name hyung and tapped on it.


Hey muel, being an idol has been fun! Sorry for not contacting you sooner too.

How has school and everything else been?

I'm sorry but I'm still going to perform. See you soon.


I sighed. I did not see a point in replying because I still could not stop him from performing. He was that passionate after all. Now I know why after everything father did, he is still a well-known idol in a popular group. Let's just hope he realises how I had shredded the cloth and notifies someone.

I settled down on the floor, in the shadows, praying for all to be well.


"Sir, I followed him and he did it."

"Well done. Come back now."

"Yes sir!"

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