12.31.2290 - Moving Forward

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"If there is no struggle, there is no progress." - Frederick Douglass

"NCR scouts sir."

"You're sure?" The general questioned the soldier who had been on lookout duty.

"Yes sir, we spotted them thirty seconds ago."

Wiping his brow with his hand the general of the Brotherhood of Steel turned towards the younger Paladin, "how many?"

"An army sir, they know we're here. They won't be scared off by Deathclaw sounds."

Slamming his fist on the table he asked the Paladin one more question, "is the reaper ready?"

The Paladin nodded his head in reply.

Turning towards the endless halls of the vault the general rattled his armor in preparation for combat. "Release him."


Crouching behind a rock Nate examined the apparently empty vault. Turning to face Marshal he began to formulate a plan. "You know a backdoor in right? "

Nodding his head Marshal replied, "of course, there's a broken pipe that leads directly into the vault's plumbing. It's how we discovered it in the first place."

Looking at Marshal quizzically he asked, "so you guys killed all the vault dwellers?"

"Nope, found them that way along with those dead Deathclaws."

Hefting his gun higher on his shoulder Nate said, "and you haven't found any living ones?"

"No, why?"

Rubbing his chin Nate stood up, "doesn't matter, c'mon let's go." Ducking from cover to cover the two headed towards the hidden entrance...


Gasping heavily the NCR scout began to spew out his report. Forcing the soldier to stand up the NCR captain gave him a drink of water. "Now tell me what you've seen. A little slower this time," the captain told him.

"Sir, they've got Paladins surrounding the thing. They know we're coming."

Eyeing his ragtag army of worn out soldiers the captain turned to the scout, "any weak spots, hidden points of entry?"

"Well, this may sound odd, but the door to the vault is clear. The soldiers are just stationed around it. We could just run down the middle and capture their base that way."

Laughing out loud the captain smiled, "you realise it is a trap right?"


"Rally the troops, I might have a plan. We're moving forward."

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