Chapter 2

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Eyyyyy some actual explanation this chapter

In the void, Chara sits, still bound by the pink chains from the battle. Holding the broken SOUL in his hands, he smiles down at it. "We did it! This is half of the original Sans' SOUL! Now, I have an idea... Let's make our OWN UNIVERSE!" Chara holds the SOUL closer to him. "We don't need to live in a used, boring timeline... We can make this more interesting... But first, let's absorb this SOUL. Are you ready?" Chara morphs into Cross.

"...Yeah..." Cross shifts back into Chara.

"...What's the matter? Are you..." Back into Cross. He opens an eye.

"I'm not sure about this, Chara... Ink was trying to help us... Why do we have to do this?" His expression softened.

"Are you afraid of releasing me? I made you a promise, Cross. I promised to be your friend... Those dark days are over. You gave up a long time ago, but not me. I'll help you to rebuild the world we lost. We deserve a new Hope. It's what they would have wanted..." Cross lets the SOUL float just above his hand.

"...Let's just do it." He grabs the SOUL.

HP: 0.5/0.5

*You used UT Sans half a SOUL.

*You recovered 0.5 HP!

Cross breaks out of the chains and looks down at them.

*You have a new SOUL inside.

In the forest of Undertale, Sans' home AU, Sans and Ink sit next to each other. The battle had ended.

"So... Your name's Ink, huh?"

"...Yup. Nice to meet ya." Ink takes a deep breath. "I-I'm so sorry Sans, I never thought this could happen..."

"It's okay bud, I'm not dead... At least not yet. Looks like that guy loves to cause trouble."

"Actually, this is the first time he's done something like this." Ink responds, looking away. "He's scared since... Well... It's a long story..." The artist version of Sans looks like he wants to talk to someone. Sans decides to listen.

"Umm... My bro and the others will arrive in 20 minutes, so I guess we can talk for a-" Sans was cut off by a black, oily substance gushing from Ink's mouth. Ink quickly turns toward Sans.

"DO YOU WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT C!? GREAT!!" Wiping his mouth, Ink says, "Ehem! Sorry for that, heh... Alright... It all started with a simple drop in a far universe..." The story begins. "Everything seemed normal. Your universe and the thousands of other variations still continued peacefully. Suddenly, I felt the appearance of a new universe. It had a very strong presence... Despite having the sound of dripping water. I couldn't contain my excitement, so I decided to go there. I was eager to meet this new world and its inhabitants... But there was nothing except for one person. And... Those drops were his tears. He was very scared. His mind was invaded by horror. He noticed there was someone else... Me. However, soon we broke the ice, and he told me his name. He called himself Cross, the only survivor of a No Mercy Run without RESET possibilities."

"Wait a sec... If he was in a No Mercy timeline, where's the human that caused it?"

"Chara is sealed inside his body. How did it happen? He never told me... At first, they acted as two separate beings. However, as I visited Cross to keep him company, he won full control of his SOUL. One day, while we were drawing stuff, he stood up. He looked pretty down in the dumps. He told me that a strange child appeared in his world, and tried to convince him to go to a place with other survivors like him. He refused to go, because he was convinced that his world was still alive. Cross thought he could restore everything with my help. But when I told him I can't resurrect the dead... His face..." Ink looks straightforward, his eyes black.

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