Chapter 4

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Eyyyyyy some people actually read this book. welp time to suffer for the next 3 hours writing this :D

In Cross' world, Underfell's Snowdin has been transported. It is glitching a bit, for it does not belong there. Cross stands in front of Sans and Papyrus' house. 

"Snowdin... Finally is ours." Cross says to Chara. 

"I wouldn't be happy about it." Chara says back. "Look what they did to us." Cross lifts a hand, revealing the severe wound Red gave him and Chara during the battle. "Besides, we didn't get everything we wanted... People... More places... A SOUL for me... Next time, just listen to me. Remember that you can bring all of this thanks to my code. You're just a tool. You don't have the right to think. You only cause trouble." 

"...I'm... A tool..." Cross says, looking at his hand. 

"Well, well, sup mah rad nebrohood skelepal?!" A skeleton with glasses spelling the word YOLO leans on Cross' shoulder. "Yo, I heard over there dat ya havin' a totes rad time... All up n' stealin' parts from other places." His glasses now spell out WOOW. He gets closer and pulls down his glasses a bit to reveal a SOUL floating in his left eye. The glasses say RUN BRO. "Yo... Pretty un-rad of ya ta all up n' go have fun on ya own, ya know?!" He puts his glasses back on. "So I was all up n' thinkin'!" He gives Cross finger guns and his glasses change to PARTY. "Maybe we could throw a totes off da hook party! Like, ta welcome ya n' stuff!" Cross teleports away, and the skeleton's glasses change to RUDE. He puts his hands in his pockets as his glasses change to WELP. "...Ya gonna get P bored." His glasses change to HEHE. "I know." 


Cross teleports into Sans and Papyrus' house, well, now his house. 

"When will that guy be leaving from here? I can't understand anything he's saying." Cross asks Chara. He walks over and sits on the couch. 

"This house is a mess." Chara says, sitting down with him. 

"It's not that bad... I guess." Chara puts their hands behind their head. 

"It's a shame we couldn't spend more time in that AU... We only needed to get a human SOUL for me... We could go back to Underfell now that we know the access route." Cross pulls his hood up. 

"I don't want to go back there." He says. 

"Oh... I get it. You don't want me to get my own part... I can't believe that you're okay with just half a SOUL. You have to be a little more DETERMINED, don't you think so?"

"...I'm tired, leave me alone." 

"...How boring you are. Whatever. The names of our next destinations have just been stored in your mind. We'll come back here again to start modifying the code of our world, and then..." Chara stops as they notice Cross falling asleep. "Hey, are you listening to me?" Cross snaps awake. "Wow... You're really tired... Why don't you... Sleep a little while?" Chara says, smiling. 

"No... I can't waste time." 

"C'mon pal! You should take a rest, you deserve it! It has been a long time since you slept... Besides, if you're tired, I'll be tired, too." Cross considers.

"Okay... But only for a few minutes..." He says as he closes his eyes and drifts off. 

Cross is floating in a black abyss. He looks around and red chains encase his arm. He tries to break free, but he can't. 

"You're a fool." He hears Chara say. In the real world, Cross gets up. "HAHAHA! I knew this would work. Now you'll be the one who hides behind me..." Chara has taken control of Cross' body. "Hm... Let's see... How can I use your powers?" 

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