Chapter 6

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Alriiight. Final chapter. Let's go.

A SOUL. Floating in the darkness. One half Human, the other half nonexistent.  

"You cannot see me." A strange voice emerges from the darkness. "But I've been watching you for a long time, X-Event." In the Doodle Sphere, a hunched purple and black figure floats, yes, floats, and watches the AUs, binded by Error's blue cords. "I accepted that you had a very good idea. Nevertheless, you didn't know how to execute it right from the beginning. Look at what you've done... 'Just one universe made of the best of the others'... I really want to know what would happen." The figure's SOUL recedes, just a bit. "But first, I'll have to fix your mistakes as always... Putting the timelines you corrupted under Quarantine could work for now..." He raises a hand. "Assistant..." He snaps his fingers and a white, expressionless Alphys appears. She looks around. "You know what to do." The figure says to her. 

"I'll do my best. I'm glad you're finally back, Lord XGaster." She teleports away.


In Underswap, Alphys appears. She sees Papyrus kneeled over. A grey child stands behind him. 

"Why didn't you go with them?" The child asks. "You acted so... Strange." They frown. "Papyrus... You know I can't help you this time. There's no way to take you to the Omega Timeline. This timeline is about to collapse, but you don't deserve-" 

"Tell me if it's really worth surviving." Papyrus says. The AU is collapsing around them. "I can't take this anymore, kid. I didn't want to see my brother die in front of my eyes. Nothing matters anymore. The rules of our universe will never be the same." Papyrus glitches. "None of us can fix whatever is happening out there. Why is it so hard to live in this... Thing?" He glitches away. He's gone. So is Underswap's Chara. Tears fall from Core Frisk's eyes as they see a golden heart locket on the ground where Papyrus and Frisk once were. 

"They did all they could to save their timeline..." They say. Alphys suddenly appears beside them. She starts walking away. 

"Pacifist timeline number 122. Alternate Universe 'Underswap'. There's nothing left." Alphys says, still walking away. "I can see some fragments of code were sent to our home. This is a disaster. All because of the human's bad behavior..." Back in the Doodle Sphere, XGaster can still hear Alphys. 

"Although all of this will end soon, I WILL NEVER FORGET HIS INCOMPETENCE!" XGaster says. 

"I truly comprehend your pain." Alphys can hear XGaster even from Underswap. Cross, I'm sorry, but you are in big trouble because of that child. Alphys thinks. Alphys takes a paper out from the stack she has in her hands and drops it on the ground. The paper begins sucking in the empty AU around it until there is nothing left. "Quarantine executed." Alphys says. Core's eyes widen.

"Quarantine... That will prevent this Alternate Universe and all it's timelines from being corrupted." Core says. "The people from XTale were good... But now they have an insidious intent." The paper floats back up into Alphys' hand. She grabs it and puts it neatly back into her stack. 

"Another timeline affected by the X-Event has been detected." Alphys says. "I'll head there immediately." Alphys teleports away. 


Alphys appears in Underfell in what was once Snowdin Town. 

"Pacifist timeline number 13. Alternate Universe 'Underfell'. The X-Event only took a few code fragments from this location known as Snowdin. Unlike the other AU, it's inhabitants have not been corrupted by them." Alphys says. Core watches from behind a tree. Many yards away, a group of monsters stand. King Asgore is talking to Papyrus, asking what happened to Snowdin. 

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