Chapter 7

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YALL THOUGHT I WAS GONE HUH. NOPE. Jakei has just released Underverse 0.5! In celebration, I will be writing another chapter. Hope you enjoy~

It's sunset. 

Sans was teleported back to his universe, Undertale. 

"Hey, Sans!" Undyne says, a smile on her face. "Where the hell have you been?" Sans stares at the group with blank eyes, memories of what just happened, the adventure he just had, still flashing in his head. 

"Goodness, brother. What happened to you?" Papyrus asks, concerned. "The match was postponed. You were gone for hours!" Sans, blinks and smiles, but he looks worried. 

"... Hours?" Sans says, confused. The journey had felt like days to him. "Heh... Heheheh." His pupils disappear again. "HAHAHAHAH...!" Frisk looks at him while he laughs. They're worried. "...Hours." Sans says again. A few drops of water start to fall from the sky. "Uh, a dog was trying to bury me alive in the playground." 

"Again? That's the third time this month!" Papyrus exclaims, surprised. Toriel holds her hand to the sky, feeling the rain. 

"How odd. It isn't the rainy season yet." She says. As she says this, the others look up and feel the rain, too. 

"It looks like a rain squall. W-We should go home." Alphys says. Undyne nods in agreement. 


It was raining heavily outside now, thankfully, the group had gotten inside before the rain stopped being a drizzle. 

"It's all torn and full of... Dust..." Papyrus says, holding up Sans' dirty and torn jacket. "Oh, well!" Papyrus looks at Sans, who is sitting at a table nearby. "It was too old, anyway." Papyrus tosses the jacket behind him, into the fire that was burning in the fireplace. Undyne and Alphys watch this from the couch. 

"YEAHHH!! BURN, BABY!!" Undyne yells, raising her fists. 

"Frisk got a great idea, Sans!" Toriel and Frisk walk over to Sans. Frisk is holding a tray with two cups of hot chocolate on it. They look like they're angry. "There are some clothes in their wardrobe we could lend you, maybe there is something of your size!" Toriel continues. "Why don't you two go check them out?" Sans looks at the golden heart locket around Frisk's neck. They probably picked it up from where Sans dropped it at the park. 

"Sounds good. Let's go." Sans says. 


Sans and Frisk are in Frisk's room. They found a new hoodie for Sans. 

"I'm happy that you... Came back safe, Sans." Frisk says while closing their wardrobe. 

"...There's a lotta crazy stuff out there." Sans replies from the other side of the room, his back to Frisk. "It was hell." He turns around slightly, revealing his left eye, which has turned blue. "Not as different as what you did here." Suddenly, Frisk's SOUL turns blue, and they are held against the wardrobe. Sans teleports in front of Frisk at the same moment. "Not gonna lie, kid. I feel like a fool. I'm kinda relieved though. I don't need to pretend all of this matters to me anymore. We can't change anything with stupid promises." Sans has a pained smile on his face. He closes his eyes. "In the end, we'll always be trapped in this cycle." He opens his eyes again. "Guess the flower was right." 

"You're the one who chose to go out there by yourself and get traumatized." Frisk says calmly. "I offered my help but you ignored me. We only have control over THIS timeline. Everyone else's business is not our concern." Sans' smile falters, and he lets Frisk go. 

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