Three- I wish I had a phat ass to cushion my fall.

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Three- I wish I had a phat ass to cushion my fall.

For a split second, all I could feel was the pressure that seemed to rid me of my hearing abilities before I realized that I was plummeting through the heavens. I didn't realize that I had been screaming, no- it was only when I landed on something solid that knocked the air out of my lungs did I realize that my throat was dry thanks to it. There was a commotion around me as I blinked in and out of conscious. I coughed, rolling to my stomach to find myself staring up at a sky lit with billions of stars.

I tried to sit up, muscles groaning in protest as I pushed myself up. My shoulder had popped right out of the socket, along with my left wrist. I couldn't feel my legs, shivers ran up and down my back and arms as I tried to get a feel of where I was.

"Who are you?" the words had me on full alert. Years of training had me pulling out my gun and raising it in the direction of the voice. It was cocked and ready to blow the brains out of anyone who'd dare to pose as a threat. I was surrounded in what looked like bushes of roses. My hold over the gun steady, I tried to get to my feet. At the slight movement of my hips, I winced- no I couldn't move. Goddammit!

A small rustle to my left and I turned to find a blonde haired man walk into the clearing I had just landed in. He had a sword (?) strapped to his belt and in his hand he held a dagger- the silvery blade gleaming maliciously in the moonlight. He eyed my gun wearily but kept moving forward and towards me. I didn't know whether he did it out of bravery or just plain idiocy.

Not that I was waiting to find out.

I fired, the force of the bullet leaving the gun almost knocking me back down to my elbows thanks to my now weakened state. I didn't know if I had blinked and missed aim for I found the man behind me now, grabbing me by the hair and using his other hand to disarm me all in the span of a few milliseconds. I couldn't help the startled yelp that left my lips as he pulled me up to a sitting position. Both muscle and bone groaning in protest. "Now," the man hissed, "you're going to tell me who you are and where you're from!"

"Careful Tamlin, she's hurt," another voice, laced with something a bit like concern. I searched for my sympathizer, hoping to see a familiar face but instead found a tanned male stare at me from the safety of the rose bushes. He took a step forward and the moonlight caught his russet colored eye, the other gold- a scar tearing through it. Before I could say or do anything, the other man pulled me to my feet earning a loud groan from me in the process. I could feel my bones snapping thanks to the way I was being handled. I tried to wrench free- years of training helping me block out the pain that laced through my body but my efforts were futile. The man had a vice like grip over me. It almost felt as if I was shackled with heavy chains of iron.

I craned my neck to the side in order to get a better view of my captor. His deep green eyes had a hard set to it almost as if pure anger and determination itself was what kept this man alive. He didn't meet my stare as he hauled me over his back as if I were nothing but a sack of potatoes. A rib cracked, my body too fragile and weak thanks to my rocky landing. Whether or not I was bleeding, I wasn't so sure.

"Lucian," my handler called out and the man from before appeared at his side, "get some of my men to stand guard at her door tonight, we need answers," there was a command to his tone to which the other man didn't go to question, instead sulked off to the shadows.

We were entering something that looked like a prehistoric mansion right from a story book. My vision was getting blurry and ever so often my head would droop down to his shoulder although I made it a point to look for any escape routes. Once this man had me 'locked' in my room- I could find a way to leave this place and quickly get the hell out of here.

For the hundredth time my head dropped back down to his shoulder, "where are you taking me?" I croaked out as I focused in and out of consciousness. The bastard didn't reply, instead opened a door to what looked like a room. I tried to wriggle free from his grasp as he lowered me down to the bed but his iron like grip remained and so did the stormy expression that brooded over his somewhat handsome features. Maybe if he smiled a bit, he would've looked handsome.

My traitorous mind conjured up an image of him doing exactly that.

Maybe I was tethering on the fine line between life and death or maybe I was just borderline insane because I had no control over the bubble of laughter that rose up my throat.

The man's grip loosened a fraction as he stared at me quizzically. I knew I probably looked like a psychotic idiot- lying half unconscious, body broken in places and face probably smushed to bits and to top it all off, laughing maniacally like some blubbering idiot. But I couldn't help myself. The image I had conjured up in my mind was too hideous and out of sorts that I couldn't help laugh.

Wheezing like a dying man was more like it although I'm sure whichever it was, the blondie didn't see it coming.

It was then that I realized that his grip had loosened and maybe it was a foolish move, maybe I was trying my last shot at freedom because something about this haunted ass mansion screamed 'FORTRESS' but I kicked right at his shoulder. The force of it had him staggering back and the adrenaline that spiked through my veins had me up on my elbows and ready to flee the fuck out of here but he was quick, too quick and humanely impossible as he was right where he was- this time the dagger in his grasp.

It was the force of the hilt as it slammed into my temple that finally made me slip into unconsciousness.

Ooh so chapter three is done!!
What do you guys think so far ? I hope y'all like it! I deffs would be updating this story more frequently so please stick around :)

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