Thirty Six- The punching bag for the Fae

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Thirty Six- The punching bag for the Fae

"The High Lord requested that I take whatever information you have and deliver it to him," one of Eris's guards said as I made my way to the clearing. I stopped, feigning the look of a confused and lost girl as I shook my head vigorously. "No, please don't take me anywhere! I haven't done anything wrong!" I exclaimed, feigning fear as I dropped my empty basket and backed away by a few steps. Whatever information I had, I needed to deliver it to Eris himself. I didn't do anything through his lackeys- that's just not how I worked. It left too many loopholes and I wasn't so sure if this guard even worked for Eris or it was actually for Beron.

The guard looked confused, hands raised to show that he meant no harm, "Eris himself wanted me to come speak to you and get whatever information you have,"

"What information?" My eyes were as wide as pool balls, my bottom lip quivering in the process. Stupid fool! Did he really think I'd just tell him everything I found out? In addition to it being unsafe, who knew how this idiot would interpret the message and deliver it to Eris? I shook my head vigorously, collecting up my skirts and basket in the process, "I don't know what you want from me but I mean you no harm!" I said bringing tears to my eyes as I moved to flee from the clearing.

The guard was on me in an instant, his palm rapidly connecting with my cheek with so much force that I couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me vigorously, "You stupid stupid girl! Have you no idea what task has been entrusted upon you?"

"The cook wanted me to pick up some mushrooms and I swear that's the only thing I'm going to do," I let a sob bubble up my throat, "If I don't get back to the house in time she'll beat me," tears welled in my eyes and I let it fall as I weeped uncontrollably. The guard looked disgusted as he let go of me, "Off you go you intolerable mortal! My business with you is over,"

Blubbering apologies like some headless chicken, I backed out from the clearing and made my way to the other side of the woods. Once well away from the guard, I wiped down my tears and stopped beside a small stream to clean the blood from my cheek and mouth. If Eris wanted information, he would have to come to me himself. Bastard had better be there in the flesh or he wasn't getting any information in return.

Seeing that I had no other option but to pick the mushrooms myself, I immediately set to the task. The mushrooms here were easy to find and soon I had an entire basket of them as I made my way back to the Forest House. The cook surprisingly didn't reprimand me on my tardiness and I scooted out of her way before she got any ideas.

"Here's the silver, go set the table," one of the maids said as she handed me a box of cutlery. I nodded meekly as I pulled my hair over my face so as to keep it well hidden from prying eyes and made my way to the dining room.

Voices reached me before I even got in and I knew that Beron and the rest of his family had already seated themselves. It was earlier than expected and I couldn't help but feel anxious about seeing him face to face.

Keeping my head down, I made my way to the room and much to my relief- other servants skittered around dusting and polishing. So Beron arriving early for his lunch was something none of the other servants had expected as well.

The strange male from earlier was present as well. He sat beside Beron and opposite to the High Lord's wife who was staring ahead of her almost as if she was lost in a trance. Beside her sat one of he sons who didn't hesitate to leer at me as I placed his cutlery before him. The High Lord was neck deep in conversation with the light haired male, Beron didn't even seem to notice me as I placed his cutlery before him.

I made my way to the male and felt this odd yet familiar tug at my chest. Almost as if something inside me yearned for something he possessed. I hid my mortified expression at the absurdity of what I just thought and went to place his utensils before him.

Suddenly, as quick as lightning- he caught hold of my wrist, pinning it to the table in place. This time, the fear in my eyes wasn't staged as I looked up at him.

"Unhand her Orcus! You don't get to fraternize with my servants," Beron said with a huff as he glared at the Vlag prince who was staring at me with this icy stillness in his gold eyes. I couldn't stop the shiver that slithered down my spine as I fought to push away the familiarity that shook through me. I know this male. I've seen him before. Where? I wasn't sure. The man held my wrist firmly locked in his grip as he gave me a cold smile, tilting his head in the process as if to get a better look at me.

Beron huffed, "Let go of her Orcus, she's a mere mortal girl with nothing to offer you,"

Orcus, the Vlag fucking Prince (!!!) turned his gaze to Beron, the iciness still visible in his eyes. Silence followed as the two males stared at each other in a battle of wits. My wrist was still pinned to the table as Orcus ran a cool gaze across Beron. I could almost see the cogs in his head turning and plotting on how to murder the High Lord before me. A small part of me revolted at the thought that Orcus would get to the High Lord before I did and I mentally shook myself for prioritizing that thought in a moment like this.

Finally Orcus let go of my hand and I pulled back, I couldn't help but shiver as he ran another cold and calculated gaze over me before turning back to Beron and resuming his previous conversation- dismissing me in the process.

I couldn't help but hurry out of the room and put as much distance as I could between the Vlag prince and I.

The power he possessed was enormous. It was powerful, volatile and strong enough to obliterate the entire universe. I could almost feel the phantom hands of his powers rake down my spine, scratching through flesh and bone in the process. I shivered, secretly hoping that I'd never have to come across it ever again. It was too dangerous.

And also undoubtedly familiar.

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