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narrators pov:
It was time for everyone to aboard the train so Elizabeth hugged her grandmother after Neville and walked on the train a bit later then everyone else, she was looking for what compartment her friends were sitting in then suddenly she bumped into someone "Sorry. I wasn't looking" the girl said said they both kneeled to get his bag he dropped at the same time and once she reached for it the mysterious boy did to then he put his hand on top of hers and she had felt her heart skip a beat "Oh. Sorry" He said she looked up at him and smiled as he blushed "It's alright" she reassured him and grabbed his bag and handed him it as i stood up "Elizabeth Longbottom" she said putting out her hand "Seamus Finnigan." he took my hand and shook it "Wait did you say Longbottom?" He asked her and she nodded "You probably know my twin" she said as she pointed at his tie he nodded "I'm sure Neville has talked about you" she said "Well i'll see you later Seamus" She smiled and winked at him as she walked off, Seamus' face had turned red as she walked off into a compartment

Kyle ran over to the girl and picked her up into a hug, the girl laughed as she got put down she walked into the compartment and sat next to Noah who messed up her hair "Where's Lav?" the girl asked "We've been looking for her abut instead we see you flirting with Finnigan over there" Kyle said she'd smiled "We were not flirting, I bumped into him and he dropped something so I picked it up for him and we just happened to accidentally touch hands" She said Kyle and Noah looked at each other and smirked "Either way I just met him" the girl added as she opened a book "If you say so" Noah said.

"Miss me?" Lavender said as she opened the door Elizabeth got up and pulled her into a hug "Where were you?" she asked as she pulled away "I went to talk to some. Friends" she said as she smiled and her cheeks turned pink.

Elizabeth looked over to Noah and Kyle and spoke "By 'friends" she said with air quotes "She means Dean Thomas" Elizabeth said as she sat down next to Kyle "Why is everyone flirting today?" Noah asked "I wasn't flirting!" Elizabeth snapped "Sure you weren't" Kyle said "Okay what did I miss? I need to know" She said "Liz was flirting with Seamus Finnagan" Noah said Lavenders jaw dropped and it turned into a smile "We weren't flirting! I wasn't looking where I was going cause I was trying to find you guys, I bumped into him and I tried to grab what he dropped and he accidentally touched my hand but i introduced myself cause it would've been weird not to!" she said Noah and Kyle looked at each other then at me "Your leaving one part out" Kyle started, Elizabeth gave him a confused look "You winked at him" Noah finished, Lavender smirked "Well, I-" she stuttered "Exactly." Kyle said the girl rolled her eyes and grabbed a book

Elizabeth began looking through her bag "Where is it?" She panicked "Liz? Everything okay?" Noah asked looking up from his book She shook her head "I'll be right back" She stood up and walked down to the compartment Neville normally sat in she looked through the door and saw Neville "Neville. Have you seen my bracelet?" She asked him then she looked over and saw Seamus and Dean "Oh hello Seamus. Dean" She said smiling, Seamus' cheeks turned pink and he looked down "Yeah i've got it in my bag one second." He said grabbing his bag while he was waiting Elizabeth wanted to break the silence "So I see you're keeping Lavender busy nowadays Dean?" She asked him as she pushed her hair out of her face. he smiled and looked at the floor "I've got it" Neville said pulling it out "Thanks your the best!" She said kissing the top of his head "Bye boys. See you around Seamus" She smiled at him and walked out of the compartment.

"Cedric!" Elizabeth yelled, and ran up to him for a hug. Cedric has been Elizabeths best friend since she first came to Hogwarts, he very quickly became like another big brother to her, They played quidditch together, we're in the same house, they were pretty inseparable, but it's his last year at Hogwarts, the two began talking and Seamus watched from a distance.

"Eh Neville, is that her boyfriend?" Seamus asked, "Huh? Oh, no that's Cedric, they're friends." Neville replied then turns his vision back over to the window.

"I feel the chemistry." Dean said to Seamus "What?" He asked as he stopped playing with his fingers "You like Elizabeth" He added Nevilles eyes widened as he looked from dean next to him to the irish boy across from her "Blimey Dean I just met her." Seamus said "Right" He added, "Just happened to ask if she had a boyfriend, casual. Real sly." Dean mumbled

But truly Seamus thought Elizabeth was beautiful, he had known Neville had a twin sister but he had never met her,but when they met he instantly loved the way she smiled, how she treated others, and how fast she can get comfortable around people, and how sweet and calm her voice sounded.

Soon enough they had arrived at Hogwarts, everyone watched as a carriage that held the students from Beauxbatons arrived at Hogwarts but why? Seamus ran next to Elizabeth and accidentally put his hand on top of hers "Sorry" they said at the same time then smiled she looked back over as Lavender, Noah, and Kyle found her "We lost you!" Lavender said standing next to her, they watched as the ship of the Durmstrang boys rose up, The group all looked at each other why were different schools coming to hogwarts?

"Now that we're all settled in and sorted i'd like to make an announcement" Dumbledore said Noah and Elizabeth looked at each other then back at the head master "This castle wont only be your home this year, but the home of many special guests as well" Filch began to run into the great hall Elizabeth rolled her eyes at the weird man then rested her face in her palm

"You see hogwarts has been chosen-" he got cut off to Filch whispering something to the headmaster, she didn't think much of it then she yawned "So Hogwarts has been chosen, to host a legendary event. the triwizard tournament" He continued my eyes widened as the whole great hall began to whisper "For those of you that dont know, the triwizard tournament brings together three schools, for a series of magical contests"
skip ahead to after the announcement:
Dumbledore had announced that the triwizard tournament would be taking place at Hogwarts this year BUT you may not enter unless you seventeen which Noah did not like at all, Elizabeth had noticed Cedric being more intrigued then most she looked at him "Are you going to try to enter the tournament?" She asked and he smiled "I'm not sure." But yes he was he just didn't wanna scare her, Once they had entered the common room people had rushed to their dormitories including Elizabeth because they were tired.

The girl walked in her dormitory and lightly smiled at the other girls trying to cover her tired face as she grabbed clothes to change into. she just changed into grey sweatpants and a yellow tight tank top, she put her necklace and bracelet on the side table next to her bed then laid down on her bed then soon fell into a deep sleep.

i actually love this story so much omg but anyway lmk if anyone likes it
word count: 1296

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