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Mentions flashbacks, r*pe.

     "All the way to the top." Aiden says from behind me.

     "Yeah, I know. I saw them go up." I bark back, frustrated with his presence.

     "Alright miss feisty pants." He sasses as I pull myself onto the roof.

     "Shut up." I mutter, looking around, seeing two of the guys sitting on slabs, with three other slabs, all around what looks like a fire pit.

     I roll my eyes and walk to the other side of the roof, dropping my backpack and sitting down.
The sun's already setting, which means I basically slept through the whole day.

     "'Ey Jo!" Aiden calls from across the roof.

     I hear all of them talking for a moment, but I'm unable to hear what they're saying.

     "Jo." Aiden says again, this time from not far behind me.

     "What?" I respond coldly, not turning to look at him.

      A sigh escapes from his mouth.
"We're gonna have a fire and a couple of drinks. Come on and join us." He says, causing me to stiffen up.

      You can't dwell on what your dad did to you forever.

     I stand up and turn towards him, doing all I can to keep tears from welling up as all the memories come back.

     "Hey, are you okay?" He asks, empathy suddenly written all over his face as he takes a step towards me.

     "Why? So you guys can get me drunk and take advantage of me?" I ask, shoving him to create some distance between us.
     "Or so you can rape me and try to kill me?" I bark, the tears starting to burn my eyes.

     A flash of mixed emotions fill his eyes and then his brows furrow.
     "Jo. That is not what I meant at all." He says firmly, before his shoulders drop when he sees the tears falling.

     "Just leave me alone." I huff before turning away and sitting down, as I roughly wipe away the tears that managed to fall.

     His footsteps only come closer, and I sigh heavily, looking at him through the corner of my eye as he sits beside me.
     "I don't know what kind of trauma you have to think we might do that.." he starts off, looking over at me. "But I'm willing to talk with you if you feel that might help. But I'm not gonna leave you alone upset like this."

     Why is he being like this..? I only just met him a few hours ago.

    I look over at him, searching for any sort of judgement or something negative in his eyes. But the look on his face says it all.
He's being.. genuine?

     I shrug lightly and look away, just staring off.

     "I know we just met today. But we all got your back. We all have each other's backs. That's how we survive."

     A small smile tugs at my lips for a second and I nod lightly.
That's what my momma used to say.

     "Ahh, there it is!" He laughs.
"I knew there was a smile in there somewhere." He says, nudging my shoulder lightly.

     I look over at him again, then back at the fire pit where Chase and Josh, who's name I found out earlier, are working on building a fire. Looks like they collected some of those burning logs from the store.

     I guess they can't be all that bad.

     I sigh and stand up, making Aiden in turn stand up and look at me hopefully.

     "Fine. I'll join you guys." I say rolling my eyes. Only this time in a 'let's go' kind of way.

     "How old are you, first of all?" He asks, arching an eyebrow, then laughs.
"I'm kidding. The world is ending, may as well enjoy it while you can." He says, smiling as he leads me towards the others.

     I flash a quick smile again, then look down at my feet.
Two of my steps to one of his.

     "Not that it would matter, but I'm twenty-two in a month and a half." I say as we reach the fire pit.

     "Well, lets toast then." He jokes as we sit down.

     Chase pulls out four red solo cups, and a bottle of Jack Daniels.

     "Where'd you find that?! I haven't seen one since the start of this thing." Josh says, clearly referring to the outbreak.

     "It's a secret," Chase teases, nudging Josh as he screws the cap off.

     I've been twenty one for almost a year now, and haven't touched alcohol to my lips a day in my life.
Or kissed anyone.
No, let's not get that thought into your head, Jo.

     Chase pours each cup about a quarter full, before passing them to each of us.
     I wrap my hand around the cup that's passed to me and sniff it. The stench immediately burns my nose and I scrunch it up then look at Aiden.

     He flashes a smile at me and takes a sip of his spicy drink.
     "Don't sniff it. Just drink. Don't even think about the taste, just swallow it." He says, gesturing to my cup.

     I look down at the brassy colored liquid, before bringing it up to my lips and taking a small sip.
     The taste immediately burns my tongue, so I swallow it, which in turn burns my throat and makes me gag.

     "Oh what the fuck. How do you guys drink this shit?" I say as I wipe my lips multiple times to get the taste off.

     All three of them start laughing.
"Years of drinking my friend." Josh says, smiling at me, and raising his cup slightly.

     I raise my eyebrows for a second and take another sip, just bigger this time, and squeeze my eyes shut, shaking my head as I swallow it.
     "I couldn't relate." I breathe as I open my eyes again. "I've only been twenty one for like a year."

     "Well, here's a toast." Josh responds, raising his cup in the air.
"To Jo's first drink." He says, and we all raise our cups, tapping them all together in unison before taking another drink.

     I guess I could get used to this.

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