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     What I'm assuming is a couple hours later, we've all had about four drinks. None of them seem fazed at all, but my eyelids are heavy and everything is blurry.

     "Hey guys?" I manage to say, breaking their conversation.
They all turn and look at me, and suddenly I'm shy to ask.

     "Erm.. I have to go number one," I say, which in turn makes them all look at each other.

     "Can you do it in a bottle?" Chase asks.

     "Chase!" Aiden barks, looking at him.

      I laugh and look over at Chase.
"I'm pretty sure that would make a mess." I say before Aiden holds out a hand as he stands up.

     "Come on." He says, when I just stare at him.

     "Okay mister bossy pants." I tease before grabbing his hand and allowing him to help me up.

     This isn't like me. I feel funny, everything's spinning. My legs are wobbly too.

     I try to take a step forwards and wind up tripping by my toe catching on the ground.

     "Hey-" Aiden catches me before I fall, which in turn makes me giggle.

     "Guess I really fell for ya," I tease as he stands me back up straight.

     He huffs and rolls his eyes at me.
     "Come on. I don't want you to pee yourself." He says as he leads me around to the other side of the inside stairwell room.
     "Now you have to do this part yourself. I'm not helping you take off your pants." He says before turning around and starting to walk back.

     "Wait," I say, making him stop mid step.
I take my gun holster off my thigh, which still has my gun in it, and hand it to him.
      "Just put it with my stuff." I say as I start to undo my belt.

     "Whoa, hey at least let me turn away or something before you do that." He says as he quickly turns back around, averting his eyes.
     "I'm gonna put this by your bag then I'll be back. I'll be right around this corner." He says as he walks off.

     I drop my pants and undies and do my business, then struggle to pull my pants back up.

I come back around the corner, Aiden standing there, leaning against the wall with his arms folded.

"Alright I'm done," I slur as I walk over to him. Walking is hard when you're drunk.

     He glances at me, chuckles a bit and turns away.
"Your fly is open." He says flatly before walking towards the group.

     I look down quickly to find that my fly is, in fact open.

     I zip it quickly, the button already done.
I walk quickly to catch up to Aiden, and wind up stumbling right into his back.

     He stumbles a couple steps before turning and raising an eyebrow at me playfully.

     I look up at him sheepishly and let out a small laugh.

     "Remind me to never leave you alone while you're drunk." He laughs.

     Suddenly a weird feeling comes and goes. Almost like there's butterflies in my stomach.

     "Never leave me alone while I'm drunk," I say in a teasing manner.

     He chuckles softly and runs his fingers through his hair.

     "Come on. Finish your drink and then we'll set you up for bed." He says, leading me the rest of the way up to the others, since we had stopped walking halfway.

     "Lovebirds," Chase mutters in a teasing manner as we sit down.

     My cheeks heat up and I pick up my drink and take a sip out of it.

      "Chase." Aiden says, narrowing his eyes at him.

     Chase and Aiden seem to not be the closest. Nor does him and John.. maybe he's just really reserved.

     Chase puts his hands up in the air.
"I was kidding man," he says, chuckling softly.

     I glance over at Aiden, who's taking a sip of his whiskey.
At least he can handle his alcohol..

     Aiden glances over at me for a second as I laugh at Chases surrender.

     "Alright," Josh says, groaning as he stretches.
"I'm gonna turn in for the night. Gotta keep looking for more supplies tomorrow." He continues as he picks up all his things.

     "Yeah, me too." Chase says, yawning as he rubs his face.
"I'm beat. Sleep well you two." He says in a teasing manner, before grabbing his jacket from his slab and walking to his sleeping bag which is already set up.

     "Well. You can set up wherever you want," Aiden sighs as he stands up.

     I look up at him and catch a good look at his face.
He must use something to shave,  because he has stubble that perfectly frames his chiseled jawline. He has full lips. Not super plump, but also not extremely thin.
     And he has strong eyes. Almost as though he's trying to hide something behind them.

     I stand up, still intoxicated, so I stumble a bit.

     "Whoa, hey." Aiden says, stepping forward and catching me from falling.
He sighs as he stands me up straight, then leads me to where I dropped my backpack, which is over by the other guys.

I giggle as he sits me down, and huffs.
It probably felt like an eternity for him to get me across the roof, since I can hardly pick up my feet.

"Now go to bed." He says, looking over at me as he walks to his sleeping bag, which is only about a meter and a half away from mine.

     "Okay grumpy pants," I tease and stick my tongue out at him as I unroll my sleeping bag and slide myself into it.

     I hear him sigh as he lays on his back and shuts his eyes.

     I let out a soft sigh myself and lay my head down as I shut my eyes, the effects of the alcohol finally slightly wearing off as I do so.

     Can I really trust these guys? Maybe I should get up early and leave.
But at the same time if they were gonna kill me they would have..
Except Chase. He pointed a gun at me. I won't forget that.

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