Remember // Thomas

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Sitting at the tables in the room they call the cafeteria with Aris, you notice a new group of faces walk in. A couple of minutes later a lone boy walks in and you stop mid chew at seeing his face. A face that you've been seeing in your dreams lately, ever since you were sprung free from the maze with Aris and the rest of your friends.

"Hey, you ok?"

You swing your gaze over to your friend and smile as reassuringly as you can "mhmm"

"You sure because you look like you've seen a ghost–"

Bringing your cup to your lips you furrow your brows and shake your head slightly as you take a drink, however, Janson walking in with his clipboard interrupts you from responding.

You let your eyes wander to the new groups table, gasping softly at seeing a pair of dark brown eyes staring at you already with an unreadable expression across his face.

You drop your eyes to the table, politely asking it to do you a solid and swallow you whole, when Janson starts reading the lucky names for the evening on their way to the 'salvation land'.

Aris and yourself strongly believe they're full of shit, but you've yet to uncover anything other than the pit in your stomach every night when a new group disappears behind the doors with the weasel known as Janson.

"And finally... y/n"

Groans of disappointment sound throughout the room, however dread fills your whole body as your wide eyes swing over to Aris'.

Tears immediately pooling in your eyes as you slightly shake your head at having to leave without your friend to an unknown area of the building.

He reaches over and sets his hand on yours, squeezing once and whispering across the table "It'll be ok, maybe we're wrong" he shrugs slightly, clearly wanting to reassure you even though he doesn't fully believe you guys are wrong.

You nod and squeeze back, whispering "Stay safe, Aris" as one of the guards starts to walk over to you.

You stand up and maneuver out of the bench, walking on shaky knees with the rest of the group that was called.

While you walk past the familiar face, that you can't seem to place, he narrows his eyes in confusion and slightly tilts his head to the side when he registers the terrified look in your eyes.

You walk out of the room and down the hallway with the others. The guards lead you into the exam area you were in when you first arrived. The so called doctors explain that before you head out, you all need your last round of vitamins that you were deprived of when you were in the maze.

"Once you wake up, you will be on your way to your new home" is the last thing you hear before you fall fast asleep.


When you wake up there's an alarm blaring, you have no idea how long you've been asleep. Looking around you take notice that you're in the same bed and exam room you were in before you fell asleep.

You jerk back into your pillow, holding your breath when shouting voices fills the area on the other side of your curtain. Pulling the blanket up higher on your chest, you narrow your eyes as you try to work through the voices and what they're doing before an authority voice exclaims "You can't be in here".

Shuffling and grunts can be heard next before you hear the door slam shut, and the panting breaths of whoever is still in here with you become louder than the machines beeping beside your bed.

You gasp back into your pillow, pulling the blanket up towards your chin when your curtain is being pulled back and you see a tall, skinny blonde boy you recognize from the new table the night your name was called.

Remember || TMR ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now