Day 002

26 4 0

So I have to write in this everyday? Well okay I guess. Most of my days are boring so I guess this will just be a boring book.

Today was school, as usual. And I'm relatively sure no one noticed my existence, as usual. So it was just a normal day. Wow this journal thing is so exciting isn't it.

Nobody at school knows about my YouTube channel which is nice. I don't get people coming and trying to talk to me about it. Everyone just leaves me alone.

I don't have friends. Man, this is depressing. It's not a bad thing though. Well the not having friends thing isn't bad, the this journal being depressing kinda is. But I don't want friends because then I have to talk to them and what if I say the weong thing and they start to hate me. I'm sure they'd only be my friend as a joke and they wouldn't actually like me and they'd talk about me bahind my back and
No I need to stop. I shouldn't think abiut this stuff when it's not nessicary. This is the cause on my panic attacks and anxiey and I'm just incouraging it. That's stupid.

Anyway I don't really want to write any more today, so I guess this is it.


I notice you, can I be your friend??? I love you princess xx

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