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I could practically feel his gaze as it moved up my body and it left a trail of heat in its wake. I gave a small shiver as his eyes found mine. The desire in his gaze wasn't disguised for a brief moment and I watched as he shook himself, his eyes narrowing as he stood up. I rocked back and forth on my feet, becoming acutely aware of the water I was dripping everywhere.

I tugged my towel closer to my body as he walked over. He said something in Orrian that I believed was directed at me and I gave him a blank look. He handed me the translator, grasped the edge of the towel and then pointed to his ear.

I frowned wondering if I interpreted it right. "Dry my ear out then put the translator in?" I watched as he nodded before he walked down the hallway and into his bedroom. I shifted my towel so one half covered my chest before carefully tilting my head and using the other corner to dry my ear. I quickly adjusted the towel and put the translator in like I had felt Rhex do. I looked down at the floor and felt a shudder run down my back.

"They have rooms that try to kill me and showers that touch me inappropriately. This is going to be so awesome." I couldn't help the sarcasm that entered my tone as I held the towel tightly, terrified it would fall off. I was highly attracted to Rhex, it was a given with a soulmate, but at the same time he was always hot and cold. That wasn't entire conducive to a bond and I didn't want to end up in an uncomfortable sexual situation with him due to it.

"I had forgotten how sensitive humans are in regards to many of our devices. I apologize for not warning you." He was standing beside me and I jumped in surprise. He held out a few clothes that I took and clutched to my chest, staring at him with wide eyes as he ran a hand through his hair. "I shall have to shut off the cleaner in the shower. I don't wish for my shower to 'touch you inappropriately' again. I do not wish for you to be uncomfortable here." There was sincerity in his eyes and I felt myself relax slightly.

"It's okay, it was just really strange and unsettling. I'm not used to that method of cleaning one's self." I felt amused suddenly and I chuckled. "I'm sorry, this is ridiculous. Sexually deviant mist. That's a first... Well behind murderous vibrating rooms and bathrooms that eat clothing." I laughed at the look on his face and pressed a hand to my face, shaking my head.

"The vibrating room, as you call it, is actually a teleporter. They function similar to your elevators but they are much faster." He shrugged, his hands behind his back again. The gesture seemed to be happening a lot and I wondered why, it didn't seem like it was natural to his habits. "As for the bathroom taking your clothes. It did take them. They are going to be cleaned and then put in the closet. A lot of spaces on the ship are automated as such." I had to admit that it did make a lot of sense.

I felt a cool breeze blow across my shoulders and I swallowed. "I should probably get dressed." I shuffled to the side, letting Rhex pass me.

"They are built for an Orrian so they will be large on your frame." He walked back to the sofa and sat down. I let my gaze linger for a moment before I turned and headed into the bathroom. I set the clothes on the counter and lifted the first piece. It was a well-worn t-shirt that looked to be two sizes too large but I said nothing as I dropped the towel and pulled it over my head. It fell halfway down my thighs and I picked up the second item. I raised my eyebrows at the small pair of shorts. They looked to be too small for Rhex and I shrugged before pulling them on. They fit a little big on me but they covered what needed to be covered. I picked up the towel and hung it on the rack before leaving the room.

"I take it the shorts aren't yours." I stepped into the sitting room and watched as Rhex shook his head, his back to me.

"They were my sister's. I was surprised I still had them. Your clothes should been done in about twenty minutes but you can keep those if you like." He was taking apart the rifle again as I moved towards one of the chairs and sat down. I watched him work, he looked almost relaxed as he inspected each piece of his gun.

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