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I woke up as the door to the apartment closed. I sat up quickly, my eyes wide as I looked at the woman standing in front of me. My heart pounded in my chest and she had her own hand pressed to her chest as if I had startled her.

"I am so sorry! I did not realize you were sleeping." Her voice was quiet and I tried to calm my breathing down as I ran my hand through my hair. I hadn't meant to fall asleep but sometime during my inner reflection on just how shitty I felt, I had.

"That's okay, I probably shouldn't be sleeping right now anyway." I felt a fleeting smile cross my mouth before it disappeared. She gave me a bright smile in return and I rubbed at my eyes. "My name is Liviya but you can call me Liv." I stood up and extended my hand towards her.

She took it quickly and gave it a rather excited shake. I felt the jarring movement all the way to my shoulders. "Ani'tah but you can call me Ani." She let my hand go and tossed her satchel onto one of the chairs. "Councilwoman Nadila put us as roommates. I am so glad because I have never really spent time with a human before. You are so fascinating!" She looked excited and I smiled slightly, amused by her excitement. At least she was friendly.

"It's okay. I've spent more time with Orrians in the past few days than I have my entire life." I had only seen a spare few when I had been on Earth and now I was surrounded by them. My thoughts were distracted as she jumped up and down slightly. She reminded me of an excited puppy.

She shook her hands in front of her before smiling brightly. "Is it true you are bonded to an Orrian?" The words burst from her and I blinked in surprise as she clamped her hands over her mouth with wide eyes. "I am sorry. I do not have a filter." She gave an almost sheepish look and I chuckled, it sounded empty to my ears but if Ani noticed she didn't let on.

"It's okay. Yes, I've bonded to an Orrian. His name is Rhex." Just saying his name sent a sharp spear of pain through my chest. I absently rubbed at it, hoping the sting would go away.

She was watching me with wide-eyed curiosity and pointed at me. "Are you okay?" She tilted her head much like a curious puppy would and I nodded quickly.

"Yah, it's just the bond. We are separated for a few months. He had to go to training." I watched as her face went pale. It was a similar reaction to everyone else I had told, apparently it wasn't healthy to separate bonded soulmates for extended periods of time.

"They still sent him to training? That is, what is the human phrase? Oh yes, bullshit." She flopped down in one of the chairs and I sat back down on the couch. "Orrian politics are so weird sometimes. Everyone knows that separating bonded pair is going to be painful for both parts." Her eyes were wide as she gestured rather angrily with her hand.

I shrugged with a ghost of a smile on my mouth. "We expected it. We haven't completed the bonding so hopefully it's not too painful." I leaned against the back of the couch with a sigh. I felt drained but my dad had warned me about that.

"How did you manage not to complete it? The bonding that is." Her silver eyes seemed to sparkle with curiosity and I shrugged, a faint blush on my face.

"We have boundless self-control. Well he does anyway." My tone was dry but she laughed anyway. I smiled at her, at least she had a sense of humour. I was glad, not very many Orrians seemed to even know what humour. was, let alone have a sense of it.

"You are funny. I think I am going to like you." She giggled as she wiggled in her spot. "Everyone on this ship has a stick shoved up their asses. Everything is always so serious." She giggled again as she wiped her eyes and I couldn't help but give a small laugh at her words.

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