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"I swear on all that is holy that if he hadn't shut up I would have pushed him down a flight of stairs." Ani was practically vicious as she drug me from the classroom and towards the service stairs. I chuckled under my breath and smiled at her.

"I would have helped." The thought of Mr. Dahgme's lecture made me shudder. His voice had droned on and on in Orrian about subjects I had no clue about and couldn't understand. My boredom had been nearly unbearable.

"I knew I liked you." She bumped her shoulder into me playfully and I laughed at the action right before a sharp pain flashed through my chest. I winced and rubbed at my spot. It had been happening sporadically throughout the day and it was starting to get alarming. "I do not know much about bonds but that whole wincing thing is starting to worry me." Her silver eyes were slightly dark with concern and I let out a sigh.

"We could go see Ghilesh. He might know what is causing it." I looked at the service stairs door and frowned, unsure if his apartment was up or down.

"Who is Ghilesh?" Her tone was questioning and I blinked, forgetting she was there for a moment.

"He's a Soul Maker. He's the one who bonded Rhex and I." Once again I struggled to figure out which way to go when Ani grabbed my arm and pulled me down the stairs.

"If he can explain some of what is going on then I do not care." She said nothing else as we rushed down the stairs and towards a familiar looking dark blue door. She pushed it open and tugged me through it. I felt another pain run through my chest and I rubbed at the spot with a frown. It was starting to get irritating.

I caught sight of the back of Ghilesh's head and I waved frantically. "Ghilesh!" At my words he whirled around, his eyebrows pulled low over his amber eyes.

He caught sight of me and his face brightened. "Ahhh, Liviya. How are you?" Just being in his presence relaxed me and made it seem like everything would be explained. Ghilesh was someone I trusted completely and if anyone could help me find out what the whole flashes of pain were, it would be him.

"I've been better. Do you have a minute or twenty?" I gave him a small smile and his eyes flashed with concern before he opened his door and waved us in.

"Of course, of course. Please come in." He moved inside, holding the door for us and I tugged Ani forward. The dusty room didn't seem to have changed since the last time I had been in there but it seemed as though some of the book stacks had grown larger.

"This is pretty cool." Ani reached up, trailing her hands over the odd and ends hanging from the ceiling like I had before.

"Thank you but do not touch. Liviya, who is your friend?" Ghilesh looked between us and I jumped slightly. I had completely forgotten that Ghilesh didn't know Ani and my cheeks fairly burned.

"Oh, I'm sorry. This is Ani, she's my roommate." At my words he frowned darkly. He looked between us and I almost winced at his expression.

"Why aren't you staying in Rhex's apartment?" The question hung in the air for a few moments before Ani let out a loud sigh.

"Why do you think? Councilman Khos was being a prick, as per usual." She waved her hand flippantly and almost instantly the tension disappeared and Ghilesh gave a small smirk.

"I like you." He shook his head before turning his gaze to me. "What seems to be the issue?" He rubbed at his chin with a curious expression

I winced as another sharp pain flared through my chest. "I've been getting sharp pain in my chest. It doesn't happen regularly. It's actually pretty random but they are getting irritating." I watched as he tapped his forehead with a confused frown before he started muttering to himself and moved towards a stack of books, rifling through them.

"He is kind of strange isn't he?" Ani's voice was a whisper and I chuckled slightly. Ghilesh was slightly odd but it was what made him so interesting.

"You get used to him. He's very informative. He's actually Nadila's uncle." I watched as he moved to an overflowing bookcase and went through those books as well. Dust floated through the air and I waved my hand in front of my face.

"Really? That is kind of cool." Ani looked completely enamoured with the space, there was a look of wonderment on her face that I had to smile at. "This is so- just so awesome." She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. I chuckled at her before shaking my head.

"Found it. I have found it. Misplaced it but I have got it." Ghilesh came back holding a thick book before he opened it up. "Where is it? Where could it be?" He drug his finger down what looked to be a table of contents. He tapped on a line of symbols I couldn't read before he flipped the book opened.

"Okay. Okay. Separation. Physical symptoms. Pain. Ahhhh here we are." He looked at me with a soft smile. "It says that when two bonded mates are separated they may experience some physical pain. Your bodies are supposed to be in-sync with one another but because you are separated that is far harder to do. It causes some discomfort, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, chest pains. There is a whole list of other symptoms here that I do not want to bore you with. Basically it boils down to you are going to feel sick and crappy for four months and the only cure is Rhex."

I gave him an unimpressed look while narrowing my eyes. "That's great. So I have to just deal with this?" I gestured to the book and he shrugged nonchalantly. If I didn't know any better it seemed like he was excited. "Wait are you using this for research?" I narrowed my eyes at him and he froze, his eyes wide.


"Ghilesh! Come on! I thought we were friends." I let out an aggravated sigh and he chuckled.

"I apologize but you and Rhex are the first bonded soulmates I have ever met. Everything that you are going through fascinates me to no end." He tilted his head to look at me and I smiled at him, an unexpected chuckle escaping me.

"You're not sorry. Now, is there any way to lessen the symptoms?" I looked at him expectantly and he looked thoughtful for a few moments.

"Talk to him. Find a way to communicate with him. Maybe the sound of his voice will help ease some of the issues you are experiencing." The idea was actually half decent and I felt the corner of my mouth twitch slightly. "However he is probably in hyper sleep right now and will probably be for the next week or so. So you are probably going to have to wait but take that time to talk to Nadila about arranging the call." The words made me grimace but I had to concede.

"Soooooooo, is there any chance that I could find my soulmate?" Ani's voice was curious and hopeful and I rolled my eyes and Ghilesh frowned at her slightly.

"Well, I do not see why that could not be a possibility. Why are you asking?" He shifted on his feet and I turned to look at Ani who had a sad smile on her face.

"Because I, unlike all the others on this ship, want to find him." There was a soft cord in her voice and I turned to look at Ghilesh who has a curiously soft expression on his face.

"My niece, Vila, sounded just like you. The Source rewards those who stay with tradition. Out of everyone on this ship I do not doubt you will have a soulmate somewhere. You just need some patience. All things will come in good time." His voice was so soft I was almost shocked. "There are very few that are like you, Ani'tah. You are rare." He gave her a small smile and I looked at Ani's shocked expression and I had to agree with him.

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