Death keeps knocking on my door pt 2

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After I left my room I went to go to the gym to release some stress when I ran into Kaleb. 

"Woah why are you so aggressive," Kaleb asked as I backed up. 

"Sorry I was just heading to the gym to release some anger," I said walking to the gym. 

"Woah hold up I got to do some training to how about we do it together." He said grabbing my hand before I could getaway. 

"Fine. You feel like training with a hybrid who is currently mad and was trained by the originals themselves. Fine, be my guest." I said looking him dead in the eyes and flashing my hybrid eyes at him. 

"Listen everybody has their own way of releasing their stress. I'm a vampire who drinks human blood not bunny blood so I'm the closest thing to a real fight you got here." He said letting go of my arm and leading me to the gym.

We were sparring when he hit me in the face and said, "You're holding back. come on, come at me with all you got. 'Guinea pig'" He said with a smirk. Looking at his smirking face only made me madder as I hit him in the stomach punching him over and over until Mg came between us. I didn't stop as I punched him across the face feeling mad about how he liked Lizzie. I picked him up and threw him into the wall. It was then that I realized what I was doing when I heard Alaric yell at me. 

"Arleigh Stop NOW!!" He yelled causing me to look up at him and realize that Kaleb and Mg were on the floor writing in pain. 

"Crap. I'm sorry." I say going to pick up Kaleb. I put out my hand leaving it there for a moment while Kaleb looked up at me and grabbed it. 

"Why do most of our conversations end up with you hitting Mg on the floor?" He asked with a smile still holding onto his stomach from the multiple punches he just took.

"Um sorry, I kinda got mad at the whole 'Guinea pig' thing." I said letting go of his hand and going to help Mg. 

"We have no time we have to help Hope," He said through pain while getting up.

"What do you mean?" I asked afraid for her safety. 

"She mind dived into the Necromancers head," He said as he stood up. 

"And you let her!?" I yelled getting angry while walking out to the cellar. Mg quickly behind me he said, 

"Yes I didn't know it would end up like this."

Once we made it to the cellar we found Hope crying and panicking in a chair holding onto the Necromancer's shoulders while he sat there deadpanning. 

"Beatrix what do you know about Head dive's," Alaric asked me. 

"I did a head dive into an old friend when my Humanity was turned off," I said while pacing thinking. 

"Once I got the information I needed. He trapped me in his subconscious I didn't get out for at least an hour once Damon Salvatore showed up." I said while Mg left to go talk to Kaleb. 

"Only the person you head dive into can let you out," I said stopping. Hope gasped and woke up shaking. Once she calmed she looked up and saw Dr. Saltzman. 

"Uh Oh, looks like daddy's home," The Necromancer said while chuckling.

I left them in the cellar and went to go to the cemetery only to be stopped on my way out by Rafael saying that My mother was gone and we didn't know where she went. 

"I don't give a damn where she is. That woman can rot in hell." I say with gritted teeth while pushing my way past him. 

"Your mom was in a room. I went to check on her and now she's gone and so is my girlfriend," Rafael said with a concerned look. 

"I don't care you can deal with it aren't you the dream team," I said pulling his hand off my shoulder and Vamp speeding away not giving him the chance to say anything.

I stood before a picture of a young girl on her gravestone it said "Death by an animal attack" The sight of the words made me scoff. I took out a note I wrote earlier and put it on her grave. 

"I'm sorry you wouldn't understand why I did what I did but you will one day." I wrote a letter to all the people I killed here when I had my emotions off. luckily it wasn't that many though. I vampspeed after everyone left and dropped my letter's off at every one of the people I killed's graves. After that, I went back to school and fell right asleep in my bed.

-Author's Note- Hello I hope you like this chapter I don't really know how to incorporate Arleigh into the next chapter but I hope that inspiration hits.

-The Light-Lizzie Saltzman x Hope Mikaelson x Female Oc gxg Where stories live. Discover now