Chapter 12 ~10 Year Olds~

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Jeonghan and the others arrived at Seungcheol's house 10 minutes earlier than expected and decided to just go in already.

"Hey, guys!" Seungcheol exclaimed when he opened the door. "Come on in!"

Seungcheol seemed a bit excited and Joshua concluded that he has had one or two drinks already.

They were the first to arrive apart from a few people that they didn't recognise.

"Okay, this is Jihoon, he's my cousin and this is Soonyoung, his boyfriend. Soonyoung is also in the soccer team and this is Chan, also in the soccer team and is the youngest here." Seungcheol explained.

"Oh my god, Chan! You've grown up so much!" Jeonghan exclaimed, running over to the said boy and pinching his cheeks.

"Ahh, stop. You're embarrassing me." Chan whined. Jeonghan was slightly offended by that statement, so he decided to 'embarrass' him more.

"Awww, come on just give me a hug." As those words came out of his mouth, Chan's eyes opened wider than saucepans.

"No, no, no, Satan stop it." He ran out of Jeonghan's grasp, over to Seungcheol.

"What's happening?" A voice asked next to Joshua's ear, which startled him.

"Oh my god, don't scare me like that, Seok!" He said as he held his hand over his heart.

"Excuse you, I am an angel." Jeonghan said, "and why is it a problem? I haven't seen you in ages!."

Chan sighed a deep sigh and walked over back to where the older male was, "I'm not a baby, Jeonghan." He whined.

"There we go," Jeonghan said and kissed his forehead.

"You guys look like a married couple with a teenage son," Vernon said as he walked through the front door.

Both Seungcheol and Jeonghan looked flustered and they were.

However, Chan was a bit upset. "Come on guys, I'm not a kid!! I'm legal next year!" He complained.

"Yeah exactly. All of us are legal but you." Mingyu said, jumping into the conversation.

"Is everyone here?" Seungcheol asked, looking around.

"We're still waiting on the Chinese couple," Seokmin stated.

"Of course we are. I swear if they're fucking instead of getting ready, I will beat their asses back to-"

"Hey guys, sorry we're late. We had some things to do." Jun said, scratching the back of his head.

"Jun," Seungkwan said catching the boy's attention. "We know that Minghao is hot and cute at the same time, but please don't take his innocence away yet."

Jun only smirked and snaked his arms around Minghao's waist. "Where's the fun in that?" He asked. On the other hand, Minghao was blushing furiously.

"Guys, stop. You're embarrassing Minghao." Joshua defended.

"No shit," Vernon said and Joshua glared at him.

"Let's do something so that we don't kill each other," Seungcheol suggested.

All was silent until Soonyoung spoke up, "we should play truth or dare like the 10-year-olds we are."

"Why not." They all agreed to his request.

"Um okay then, Minghao. Truth or dare?" Soonyoung started off the game.


"How long have you two been together," Soonyoung asked, gesturing to Jun as well. "Because I got told that you were dating before Jun asked you," Soonyoung asked.

"We've been dating for three months now and have been official for about a week now," Minghao said, looking up at Jun, who held the younger while sitting on one of the couches.

"Awwww." Chan cooed. "Everyone has love except for me." Chan exaggerated.

"What do you mean? We only have two couples here." Mingyu said, confused.

"Shut up Wonwoo trash. Have you not looked around? Seungcheol is in love with Jeonghan and vice versa. The same goes with Vernon and Seungkwan, and Seokmin and Josh. Just look." Chan finished.

Everyone by then was flustered. They didn't expect to be called out like that.

"Excuse you, I am not in love with that thing!" Joshua yelled and pointed at Seokmin.

"Tell us that when you're married and have kids," Chan replied.

"I have a girlfriend also, so I am not 'in love' with Seungkwan." Vernon crossed his arms. Seungkwan quickly agreed.

"Anyway Wonwoo, truth or dare?" Minghao asked.


"What's your sexuality?"

"I don't know, I've never been in a relationship with anyone before." Wonwoo shrugged.

"Really?" Jihoon asked, shocked.

"Yea.." he replied shyly.

"Oh my god! We need to get you a lover." Seungkwan yelled excitedly. "Do you have preferences?"

"I don't know, I've never really thought about it," Wonwoo said.

"Do you want to like experiment or something?" Jeonghan asked.

"I guess, but Vernon, truth or dare?"

The game kept going on and they all found out things about each other.

"Mingyu, truth or dare?" Seokmin asked.


"I dare you to date Wonwoo for a month."

A/N: Ooh tea~
Also, they're all like 18-19 except for Chan. Chan is 17.

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