Chapter 15 ~Soccer Fill-Ins~

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Today was the day of the soccer final between Pledis High and Starship High.

Starship High had been on top all season, not losing a single game and now it was the final and the game to complete their winning streak.

Although these two teams were rivals, it was more of a friendly rivalry and not to mention, the youngest of Pledis' team; Lee Chan was best friends with Starship's youngest; Kang Minhee.

With their team this year, Starship was almost certain to win, but Pledis had more motivation this season. A lot of the teammates had partners that would keep them going and it wasn't the end of the world if they lost anymore, because they now had a life outside of soccer.

"You'll come to the game, right?" Seokmin asked Joshua over the phone. He didn't want to admit it, but he was hoping that Joshua would be there cheering him on from the sidelines. He had grown unknown feelings for the elder male and wanted him to be there for him.

"Yes I will, I'm coming home right now," Joshua assured Seokmin. He had just come home from a one week trip with his parents. He was an only child and his parents were going on a business trip and decided to take him.

"You better come, how are we gonna win without you?" Seokmin asked.

"I'm not even on the team though." Joshua laughed. Seokmin thought it was the most angelic laugh on Earth. He could put it on a 24-hour loop and wouldn't get tired of it.

"I know, but you're my only support now because Seungcheol, Jun, Soonyoung, Mingyu and Vernon all have lovers now," Seokmin complained.

"Go whine to Chan then, he doesn't have anyone," Joshua suggested.

"But he's talking to Minhee at the moment, what if they're together?" Seokmin asked shocked.

"You're the most oblivious person. Minhee is dating that Jungmo guy and I heard that after this game he's going to ask Jungmo to go to the graduation dance with him, how cute is that?" Joshua stated awing.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that, anyway, I have to go practice. Promise me you'll come?" Seokmin asked, full of hope.

"I promise, Seokie," Joshua said and hung up the call.

Seokmin looked at his phone and sighed.

"What's got you all heart eyes?" A voice asked and Seokmin looked up to see that it was Jun.

"Oh, nothing." Seokmin let out a faked chuckle.

"Is it Josh?" He asked.

"Yeah.." he mumbled out.

"You've got a crush on him right?" Jun asked earning a nod from the younger. "Well, when are you going to ask him? Are you going to ask him?"

"Yes, I'm going to ask him, but not yet. I'm waiting until the graduation ceremony." Seokmin replied, confidence evident in his tone.

"How are you going to do it?" Jun questioned.

"I know it's a bit of a risk, but in the second photo they take of the whole grade, I'm thinking of kissing him," Seokmin said, biting his bottom lip.

"Oooh, romantic." Jun teased, "I might just steal that idea." Seokmin just chuckled. "Well we better go warm-up, the game is starting in an hour."

"Yeah." Seokmin agreed.

"Can you tell Seungcheol that I'm just going to see Minghao for a few minutes?" Jun asked.

"Yeah sure."

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