~Christmas Special~

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-Four Years Later-

It was Christmas Eve and Joshua was cleaning up his and Seokmin's shared apartment for their guests.

"Seokie?" Joshua called out, "did Vernon get back to you? Is he coming or not?" He asked.

"He said that his plane was arriving in a few hours, so he'll be here for tomorrow." The younger male said while smiling.

"Done!" Joshua sighed with relief as he placed the final candle on the coffee table. "Now for decorating!" He clapped excitedly.

Seokmin looked at the ethereal male that was jumping up and down while decorating. "How did I get so lucky?" Seokmin asked and the older's head swiftly turned to face his partner.

"H-huh?" Joshua said, clearly flustered.

Seokmin then walked over to his boyfriend and placed his arms around his waist and back-hugged him. Placing a few gentle kisses on his neck, he started swaying with the boy and eventually spun him around to slow dance. The soft Christmas carols playing in the background were calming and they enjoyed every moment of this time.

Both leaning in slowly, their faces were centimetres apart and were about to close the gap when the doorbell had rung. Both boys were slightly shocked but soon remembered that some people were staying at their house over New Years.

Seokmin quickly pecked Joshua's lips and held his hand, leading him to the door.

"Josh!" One of the males at the door exclaimed and set down his luggage.

"Hao!" Josh replied. Yes. Minghao and Jun were visiting South Korea for the holidays.

"Oh my gosh, I've missed you so much Shua, I need to tell you things and so do you." Minghao winked at Joshua and dragged him to the couch, setting down his handbag.

Jun stood there shaking his head at his confusing partner. He then carried the bags to the room that Seokmin lead him to.

"So how's you're relationship going with Jun?" Joshua asked, taking out a bottle of wine for them to drink, along with two glasses.

"I'm glad you asked." He tucked his hair behind his ear then showed the older his hand.

"Oh my gosh! It's so beautiful!" Joshua widened his eyes looking at the shiny ring on Minghao's fourth finger. "When did this happen?" Joshua asked.

"Two months ago when we were visiting Japan, he proposed to me in the hotel. It doesn't sound romantic, but it was." He explained while smiling.

"I'm so happy for you!" Joshua said and Minghao thanked him.


It was the next day and all of the group had reunited at Seungcheol and Jeonghan's house. With Jihoon and Soonyoung newly wedded, Junhui and Minghao, Seungcheol and Jeonghan and Mingyu and Wonwoo all engaged and Vernon and Seungkwan being ever so in love still, but had to keep their relationship long distance. Chan was also there. He had lived with Seungcheol and Jeonghan for a while and was going to live there for a bit longer because Jeonghan said that he was attached to the young male, but he had been planning on moving out soon.

"I missed you guys so much," Chan said and hugged Minghao and Jun, then going over to Vernon and Seungkwan and hugged them too.

"I missed you too, bro," Vernon said, fist-bumping the youngest. They were best friends in high school, even though they didn't hang out together much,
They would hang out after school a lot.

They all went to have lunch and laughed around the dining table.

It was now time for the presents.
They had done Secret Santa this year so that they didn't have to buy gifts for everyone. However, Jeonghan had prepared a small pile of gifts for each person anyway.

They had all opened their presents and sat around the lounge room. They were catching up with each other and sharing laughs.

"Actually," Seokmin started, "I have one more present." He stood up and picked up the present that he had hidden behind himself. It was an average-sized box with a golden ribbon tied to it. He handed it over to Joshua and pecked his forehead. "Merry Christmas." He mumbled and walked back to where he was sat before.

Joshua opened the box and saw a book with the words 'Seokmin x Joshua' on the cover. "What's this?" He asked. By now everyone was curious about what was in the book.

He finally opened the book and saw a photo. A photo of him and Seokmin. A photo from when they were best friends in primary school and were at their school's annual carnival. "Where did you get this photo?" Joshua asked. He hadn't seen this photo in forever and had forgotten all about it.

"I found it when I was looking for photos, look at the others!" He replied. Now they were all looking at the cute photos of Seokmin and Joshua. Some pictures had different dates and little quotes on them, like 'the first day of kindergarten' or 'our first excursion.' One of the last photos was the graduation photo where Seokmin had kissed Joshua and when they were at the dance.

Joshua had noticed a blank space on the next page with a quote and a date on it. He had wondered if a picture had fallen out of the pocket. He read the date on it and realised something. It was today. '25/12/2017 - Hopefully engaged <3.' Joshua was confused at first, but when he figured it out, he looked up in shock. He was met with a kneeling Seokmin with a ring in between his fingers.

"Joshua," he said, "will you take my hand in marriage." He said hopefully, holding his breath.

"Oh my gosh, yes yes yes! Of course!" Replied the older male, jumping up excitedly. All of their friends were clapping and cheering for their friends.

This was truly one of the best days of their lives.

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