Chapter 8 ~Enemies to Pals~

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There was a sudden knock on the door, startling Joshua from his thoughts.

"Sorry, mum! I don't feel like talking right now!" Joshua said to, who he thought was his mother, the person at the door.

"I'm not your mum." The voice from the other side said. Joshua knew that it was Seokmin, so he stayed silent, not wanting to start a conversation with him.

"Can I come in?" Seokmin asked the older.

"Go away, Seokmin." He responded. The last thing he would do in this situation would be to let him into his room.

"That's funny because I'm pretty sure if I tell your parents, they would make you open the door." Seokmin smugly said. Joshua knew that the younger was right, even though he didn't want to admit it.

He unlocked the door and creaked it open, meeting face to face with the one and only, Lee Seokmin.

"Hello, bestie," Seokmin said, smirking lightly.

"Don't call me that." The elder said through gritted teeth. He hated the way the younger could find a way to control him.

Joshua moves out of the way to let Seokmin into his room. The taller was quite shocked at that action because he never would've thought he would be invited into the room of the person who hated him the most.

"Wow, such a gentleman." Seokmin teased as the other boy just death glared at him.

The two boys sat in silence, Joshua resting on the headboard of the bed and Seokmin sitting at the very edge.

Joshua awkwardly sat there looking at his lap. There was a long silence in the room, but Seokmin broke it. "Why do you hate me so much?" Joshua was taken aback. Why would he ask such a personal question?

"You know why. I was supposed to be in the soccer team until you came along." Joshua crossed his arms.

"I know that's not the only reason," Seokmin stated.

He was right. That wasn't the only reason for his hatred towards him. He felt that if he would use a true event as an excuse, he would be able to cover up the truth.

"W-what do you mean? I d-don't lie.." Joshua stuttered nervously.

Seokmin got up from his spot and stood hovering near Joshua. "Come on, just tell me."


"Come on Josh, we used to be best friends. What happened to us?" Seokmin argued. It was true. They used to be best friends. They were inseparable as kids and did everything together. You wouldn't see one of them without the other.

"You want to know, don't you?" Joshua pushed Seokmin back and stood up too. "You said that you would be by my side, be my best friend, help me through any bullying in high school. But what do I get, huh? Nothing. I just get a broken promise. You ditched me when you got on the soccer team and I didn't. You started hanging out with those jerks. You started joining in on the bullying. But worst of all, you lied and broke my trust." Joshua finished. By now, tears were forming in the elder's eyes. He had been keeping that secret for so long and to finally get it out was like a great weight had just been lifted off of his shoulders.

Seokmin froze, feeling guilt wash all over him. To be honest, he didn't mean to ditch his best friend, he only wanted to be liked by the soccer team. He had no idea how much this affected the elder.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't think it would affect you this much.." Seokmin said guiltily.

"It's fine, it's all in the past now, we can forget about each other agai-" Joshua said coldly before being cut off by strong arms wrapping around his torso. He was going to push him away, but felt an odd comfort within the hug and lifted his arms lightly to the other's back.

"It may not seem like it, but I've missed you, Josh.." Seokmin admitted. It took guts to own up to something like that, but Seokmin wasn't afraid to admit the truth. However, the shorter boy was. He was afraid that this was all a trap that he would soon fall for. But for some reason, he wanted to admit it as well, he wanted his Seokie back.

"I-I missed you t-too.." he said, voice cracking. He was about to burst into tears. It had been a while since he had cried, but every time he did, it was most likely because of Seokmin.

"Shhh.." Seokmin lulled into Joshua's ear. He knew the elder was on the verge of tears, he knew him too well.

"Boys! Dinner's ready!" Mrs Hong yelled from downstairs, signalling that it was time to eat. The two boys jumped off of each other and Joshua stood there a little awkwardly.

"Come on Shua, let's go." He held his hand out to the elder boy. Joshua hesitantly accepted the taller boys hand and made their way down the stairs.

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