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Baylee had a tear run down her cheek as she had a blade held to her bleeding and beaten body "I'm gonna kill you and send you're heart to the government!" The marine captain yelled,Baylee took another hit from him before Shanks catches up "You made a fatal mistake kidnapping my girl." Shanks said angrily which was rare Baylee is on death's doorstep. Shanks fights thankfully Law was there and immediately gave aid "w.. why are you helping me?" Baylee asks weakly Law replies "it's the right thing to do,consider my debt to you clean." Baylee replies "I was the one who saved you in dressrosa you dont owe me anything it's what I do." Baylee closes her eyes but Law shakes her "stay awake okay and stay still." Law finishes Shanks walks over "you brush with death alot dont you?" Shanks asks Baylee replies "yeah, I'm annoying.. so I get it." Shanks and Law laughed at her comment "you're not that bad Law, thanks for your help." Law replies "don't mention it." Shanks turns his attention to you "Buggy I need you're help to walk Baylee back." Buggy walks over he likes Baylee almost as much as he likes Shanks. "Wonder how that hunter got past the brigade?" Buggy asks Shanks replied "not sure wanna try to find out?" Buggy agree sitting Baylee down "I'll see what I can find out." Buggy walks off Shanks sits on his bed "second time you've almost died.. I feel like I'm putting you in these situations and it hurts... Cuz I would never wanna hurt you.." Shanks says closing his eyes tight Baylee replies "No Shanks never,there's always gonna be bad guys.. your one of the best." Shanks has tears streaming down his face "I know I just... I can't stand the thought of losing you... seeing you beaten,bruised its destroying me.." Shanks admits Baylee pulls Shanks on to her running her fingers threw his hair "I'm sorry my love,I wish you never had to see me this way..." Baylee says Shanks replies "I know baby the life we live is full off pain,loss,conquering,fighting,drinking ,sailing all of it..." Baylee replies "maybe one day we can get out of the pirate life if you want to.."  Shanks replies "maybe one day baby." Shanks touches her stitches rubbing them "Law did a good stitch job." Shanks says Baylee replies "I think hes a doctor right?" Shanks shrugs "not sure I'd believe it." Shanks kisses Baylee's injuries his lips stop the pain your feeling "you're kisses feel good I'm so sore." Baylee says Shanks replies "I'm sorry baby,soft gentle kisses." Shanks rubs her injured body she cries a little from the pain "poor baby,I'm gonna run you a hot bath " Shanks says kissing her as he runs her a hot bath and helps her in Baylee soaks in the warm water and rose petals "you're so good to me I don't deserve this.." she says looking down Shanks isn't having it "yes you do baby,you deserve to be treated like a queen." Baylee looks into his eyes "I know,I'm just not use to it..." Shanks lifts her head " you gotta build yourself back up again babygirl,I'll be here to help you." Shanks says offering his hand to help Baylee out drying her off he helped her to bed. "Feel better baby?" Shanks asks so close to her face she replies "I do thank you baby." Shanks uses his arm to stroke her watching her react to his touch "can I?" Shanks ask looking down between her legs licking his lips she moans and replies "yes baby." Shanks spreads her legs before he licks her womanhood making Baylee make the sexiest sounds "Oh baby I'm gonna.." Shanks interrupts "do it babygirl." She bucks back slightly as she comes. Shanks comes back to face her "be easy baby." He prepares to enter her slow and easy being careful of her injuries they kiss and enjoy their bodies rubbing together Shanks is 2 ft taller then her. Shanks usually just banged a woman out of need never has he made love to one until he met Baylee but Shanks is attentive,considerate,kind,and sexy as fuck. Shanks comes inside her "I love you I didnt hurt you did i?" He asks winded she replies "not at all that was amazing I felt every touch,like deep inside me its never happend before." He replies "interesting,that happens when you fall in love.."  Baylee sighs leaning into Shanks admiring the rock Shanks gave her "did you decide what day you want the wedding?" Shanks asked she replies "Well I know I wanna have our wedding at my parents estate it's a huge venue plenty of room for all. The time I'm thinking early summer but no day yet." Shanks replies "that's okay no rush I was thinking we could have it in summer. And the estate is a perfect place." Shanks kisses Baylee pulling her into him to rub her again "I love you close your eyes,relax and sleep." Shanks says and Baylee replies "I love you baby sweet dreams." She settles in and drifts off to sleep. Shanks replies "sweet dreams future mrs Shanks."

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