A visit from a friend?

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"Dick, I-"

"I know what I did. I tried to kill the Joker, I wanted to kill him! I wanted him to suffer and and feel the same pain we've had to go through... I... I-" Dick had tears in his eyes and he hated himself for that especially after Bruce saw the tears.

"I know and that's okay, I wouldn't have cared if you killed him, but I do have to ask why you shot him there, he didn't have any one close to him to kill."

"I knew his plan. He wanted you, Jay, Timmy, Dami, and Babs to come, he wanted Jay alive and held captive like me and Leila, then he wanted to kill you, Timmy, Damien, and Babs as soon as you got there and there would be no stopping him." The tears in Dick's eyes feel done as he said that. Bruce came over and gave Dick a hug, Dick at first was shocked but quickly hugged him back.

Time skip

The bat clan was in one hospital room with the exception of Bruce who was trying to get his kids discharged, when Selena ran in she made sure her kittens were okay and not badly hurt, then went to help Bruce. Finally they could leave. The ride home was filled with talk and laughter, not too much fighting for the sake of Dick as he was not having a good week.

"The team is going to want an explanation as to why you kept your identity a secret and only told Wally you know," Bruce said,

"I guess, but... Do I have to?" Dick wined.

"Well, you did agree to be on the team..." Babs said,

"Hey now, the only reason why I did was so we didn't have another Super Hero High and Wally convinced me too!" Dick defended himself, everyone laughed. When they got to the manor they didn't expect to see Harley sitting in the living room drinking tea with Alfred,

"What took ya so long?" She asked, her new York accent coming through as thick as ever.

"Well, we were held up at the hospital Harley, now why are you in my home?" Selena demanded taking control of the situation,

"Aw, no 'Hi a Harley, how ya doin' well shame, but I'm here to give my congrats to the big twerp on shootin' Mr. J, of course! Now I gotta get going!" She said as she skiped out of the manor happily.

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