The Royal Feast

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As Brina my handmaiden and dear friend finishes braiding my hair I realize that I'm going to be late for the feast because I overslept. My mother's going to kill me surely. 

"I've finished my lady. You look gorgeous, you will be the most beautiful women at the feast I just know it!" Brina says sincerely.

"Thank you Brina, but the queen is going to be there and I'm sure shes the fairest in the kingdom." I tell her as I get up and put on my dress. Brina stands behind me and starts to tighten my corset until I feel as though I can no longer breathe. 

"She was the fairest, but now someone younger and more beautiful has come along. All finished now put your shoes on and we can go." I do as she says and put on a pair of slippers that match my dress. 

We leave my rooms and head in the direction of the great hall where the feast is taking place. We pass a few guards and already drunken lords. Once we finally make it to the hall the doors are opened for us and we make our way inside.

I lead Brina to the table that my mother is sitting at with the queen. As we walk through the tables it seems as if all eyes were on me. Surely it's because the lady of winterfell is late for her own feast. 

Brina and I part ways as she makes her way over to some lower born people. Brina is a low born bastard but shes worked her way up to being my hand maiden although its rare northern ladies take handmaidens. My mother made sure that I had one because according to her I needed all the help I could get when it came to being a lady.

I finally reach my mother and greet the queen by bowing.

"My queen, I'm so sorry that I'm late I lost track of time."

"Do not fret my dear, you look quite beautiful. You and your brother Robb are twins if i'm not mistaken?" she asks and I nod, "Having a twin is a special gift, I should know my twin brother is my best friend. Are you and Robb close?"

"As every brother and sister should be." I tell her truthfully, me and Robb are very close but im close with all of my sibling. But I do see what she means, twins just have a certain connection or bond that brings them closer.

"That's good, family is very important little wolf. Keep yours close." She tells me and I turn to my mother.

"Can I go sit with the boys now?" 

"Why don't you sit with Sansa and Jeyne? I'm sure that would make them very happy." she tells me making me silently groan. I don't want to talk about the prince all night and if I sit with them that's surely my sentence. 

"Mother I was with Sansa all day, I'm sure Robb misses my presence dearly!" I tell her basically begging.

"Fine, run along." She tells me and I beam with joy as I make my way over to where my brother and Theon are sitting. Once Robb sees me he pushes Theon to make room for me between them.

"Wheres Jon? I figured he would be sitting with you?" I ask them as I sit down.

"Mother told him that his presence as a bastard would be insulting to the king and queen so he didn't come." Robb tells me. Typical mother, she's always hated Jon because he's a reminder of my fathers infidelity to her.

"Of course she did." I tell them.

Theon begins to go on a rant about how lucky the price is because of the amount of southern girls that he can get.

"Oh grow up Theon, there are more important things in this world than girls." I tell him and he just rolls his eyes and continues.

I get bored and start roaming the crowd of people in search of something more interesting than Theon's ranting. My eyes land on the Knight that was staring at me earlier in the yard, and yet again I find his eyes locked on me.

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