The Smiths Apprentis

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The past couple of days since the tourney have been anything but pleasant, my father was furious with Bellamy for his actions with the crown. And every time he looks at me he seems sad and sorrowful, like i'm a fragile flower ready to blow away with the wind.

But i'm not Lyanna, I'm not going to start a war and create chaos because some knight falls in love with me. Im stronger than he thinks and I will not be patronised for the actions of others. 

Today me and Sansa will be going down into the city to buy some dresses and jewelry. I'm not going for either, I want to find a smith to make me a sword since I don't have one of my own. Nobody in Winterfell would make me one because their feared the wrath of my mother finding out that they made her lady daughter a sword. 

Were taking a royal carriage down through the city streets to where there are a lot of shops full of expensive silks. Father has Jory and some other Stark men coming with us to keep us safe, at first I didn't know why but now seeing how these people are living I understand. 

Everyone looks filthy and starving, it must be to the kings taste for expensive wine, food, and whores. He spends all of the kingdoms money on things for his pleasure, it obvious that he doesn't care much for his people. 

After a while of traveling and talking with Sansa about all of the dresses she wants to buy we finally arrive and are escorted out of the carriage. I look around to see everyone staring at us in our expensive clothes and pretty hair, it must be irritating to see little ladies like us having so much while they have so little. 

I feel embarrassed for wearing such a fancy gown to come down here now that I see how the people look at me. Im wearing a blue dress with my house sigil embroidered on it, its long with billowing skirts and long sleeves. A more extravagant form of the northern dresses I typically wear back home. If only the boys could see me now, they would never stop laughing. 

My hair is the same as always, my traditional northern braids that go around the crown of my head, with the rest of my dark nearly black hair flowing down my back. I never inherited the Tully looks like my twin brother, I've always had the look of a Stark with dark hair, fair skin, high cheekbones, and piercing blue eyes. 

I'm glad to have the look of my ancestors, it reminds me who I am and keeps me grounded to the north. 

Sansa immediately drags me over to a large stand with every type of silk you can imagine, she starts talking to the lady who I assume owns the stand. I look around and find a smiths station not far from me. 

As Sansa is talking and distracted I manage to slip away from her and the guards and make my way over to the Smith. I walk up to the stand and notice that there's a boy around my age working in the corner on a strange-looking helmet. I ignore him and turn towards the older man trying to get his attention.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for someone to make me a good sword. Can you help me?" I ask gaining his attention. 

He looks up at me and has an amused look on his face, "Now what would a little lady like yourself need a sword for?"

"I'm no lady sir, just a girl looking for a gift for her brother," I say kindly acting shy so he doesn't suspect that I'm lying. The boy in the corner looks over at us curiously but I avoid his eye contact. "Can you make the sword or not, if you won't help me I'll find someone who will." I tell him giving up on my plan because I'm losing my patience.

"Well what do you want?" he asks me and I hand him a piece of parchment with the drawing I made on it. 


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It's simple enough, but I added (just imagine lol)  a black wolf's head at the end of the hilt to incorporate my house and family. 

"Can you make this? Or will I need to find a better smith?"  I ask him and he studies the drawing closely.

"Why a wolf?" he asks and I just shrug, "My brother loves wolves, he thinks the Starks are the best family that's ever lived. Strange boy really." I tell him and he just nods.

"Right well I start this immediately, but it will cost you a pretty penny for all this detail."

"I'll match whatever price you ask as long as it's fair. How long until it is ready?"

"A few days, I can send it to wherever you're staying," he says but I think no you can't, you can't send a sword to a lady in the castle. "No it's fine, I'll come back within the fortnight to collect it, do you want your money now or after."

"Very well, Gendry come ring her up." he yells to the boy and walks off into the backroom and out of sight.

The boy walks over to me, eyeing me suspiciously. He looks down at my drawing and studies it closely.

"For your brother ay? This is quite a fancy sword for someone whos not noble, how can you even afford it?"

"How I make and spend my coin is none of your business."

"Fair enough, but are you sure you're not a lady? I mean your dressed very nice for some common girl." 

"I'm sure but thanks for your concern, how much will it be?"

"A hundred golden dragons." well that's quite a bit more than I was expecting but it's not like I can't afford it. I pull out my silk sack full of golden dragons and silver stages and pour out the right amount on the table. 

Suddenly I hear someone run up behind me and notice Gendry staring. I turn to see Jory looking out of breath and I laugh. 

"Seven hells Ly, I've been looking for you everywhere. If your father knew I almost lost you in this city he would have my head."

"Jory, my father values you too much to kill you for something so silly. Look I'm fine and you know I can protect myself."

"Whatever, let's go, your sister found all her dresses and is ready to leave."

"Very well, go ahead I'll catch up."

"I swear if you are not over there in a few minutes I'm sending out a search party for you." I laugh and shake my head at how dramatic he can be. He walks off and I turn back to the smith boy who is eyeing me carefully.

"So your not a lady but you have guards following you around as you shop? Seems suspicious to me."

 "Well good thing I don't value your opinion," I told him as I walk toward the carriage where Sansa, Jory, and the rest of the guards are waiting for me. 

As we make our way back to the castle I can't keep my mind from wandering back to that smith's apprentice, he was so determined and different. He wasn't proud and conceited like all of the lords that I know.

He was different, a good different. 


Hey guys! I'm really sorry this chapter is short but I wanted to get it done with because in a few chapters the story will be getting good. Lyria will finally start to see how the game of thrones works. This chapter is unedited so hopefully it's not too bad, if there are any errors please let me know. Thank you for reading and if you like my story so far please vote and comment, it helps me so much! Thank you again guys! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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