An Unfortunate Turn of Events

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We've been traveling for nearly a month and we are currently stopped to rest the horses and to eat. Were staying overnight in a small inn somewhere in the crown lands. We are staying here all day and make the rest of the trip to kings landing tomorrow.

I decide to leave the room that i'm sharing with Sansa and Arya to go find the both of them. I suppose Sansa is with the stupid prince and Arya is off somewhere causing trouble. 

As I exit the inn I'm greeted by Sansa who comes over to me excitedly, "Lyria you won't believe it, the queen wants to have tea with us in her carriage in an hour!" she squeals excitedly. 

"Wow what a blessing, tea with the queen how exciting." I say faking my excitement. My resentment for our queen and her family has seemed to double since they arrived at Winterfell. The queen and her brothers have made their distaste for my family and our home clear, she's a spiteful woman. Having tea with her is the last thing I want to do on this beautiful day.

"Oh Lyria do try to sound more honest, the queen is being very generous by offering her time to us. Im going on a walk with my betrothed right now can you believe it?! How exciting!" Sansa exclaims again with pure joy in her voice.

"Well as exciting as that sounds Im going to spend my day near the forest reading with Neera, have fun with your little prince, sister." I tell her as I head in the direction of a clearing where I can read in peace.

I sit down with Neera next to me and open up my book about the children of the forest. My father tells me that they really did exist until the first men forced them to leave Westeros and go north. The weirwood trees are said to be carved by the magic of these children which is quite interesting since we have one of the last weirwood trees in Winterfell.

I've always found our northern religion interesting, the gods old and new are very interesting to study. 

I'm deeply immersed in my novel when i feel Neera lift her head from my lap and stand up. I look up to see Ser Bellamy walking towards us looking a bit nervous. 

I quickly stand up to greet him since the way i was laying in the grass wasn't very lady like. 

"Ser Bellamy, to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence here on this fine day?" I ask him.

"Lyria please just call me Bellamy, as for why Im here I wanted to make sure you were ok after your brothers fall. I never was able to find you after, to ask you if you were alright, you seemed pretty shaken up about it." he asks genuinely concerned. I feel my heart ache at the thought of Bran laying there motionless.

"I'm quite alright Bellamy I was just worried about my brother but im fine now. I just hope he wakes up soon, I fear my mother may never eat again if he doesn't. 

"I see what you mean, your mother loves her children fiercely. Shes truely a force to be reckoned with."

"Yes she is, all of house Stark is a force to be reckoned with, best tell that to the Lannisters. If they continue taking shots at my family i'll make sure to destroy theirs."

"Trust me, I do not serve house Lannister. The only reason I'm going back to king's landing is to figure out what game their playing. I despise house Lannister just as much as you."

"That's good to hear, you're one less person in my way."

"I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of your fury, what did the Lannisters do to you anyway?" 

"We've had a bad relationship with them for as long as I can remember. The day the Targaryens fell my father walked into the throne room to find the kingslayer sitting on the iron throne with his dead king at his feet. Ever since then my father has despised him and his treacherous family and so have I."

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