Chapter 19: The Festive Tour

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     After we knew each other in the past few weeks, we enjoyed bonding together as best friends. He even teaches me more about fighting and how to fight with knives. I remember when he said to me that I gotta have more improvement for it. Some time I remembered that he took me on a joyride then stole two lollipops and a bouquet of flowers for me. He even got sometimes got clumsy that he makes me laugh and smile.

   One day, he invites me to tour around Freedonia since today was the day of the Annual Freedonian Cheese festival, just like he promised me before. He even prepared a present for me at that day. Inside of the present was a red dress with the yellow sash on the skirt, paired with pink doll shoes. As I got myself ready to go, I go down the stairs and he saw me, getting fascinated of what he saw.

"Wow, Jel. You look beautiful." he said.

"Gee... charming. You too." I replied.

"Oh, thanks. Shall we?"

"Of course. Let's go."

 Dru holds my hand to take me on the said festival. We rode to his red car to see the colorful scenic view of the place. As we reached to the festival, we walked around the place where the people are so lively and festive. It was unique and colorful, yet some of the people are celebrating, some of them are dancing. One time I hooked the attention of those little girls dancing towards the little boys with a dish of cheese. So, I asked him about it,

"Whoa. What are those kids doing?" 

"Those are those kids doing their cheese courting tradition." he said.

"Really? How does that happen?"

"Those little girls would pick a cheese to their chosen little boys and then they dance. That means they've chosen their man on their own in the future years."

Once I learned that kind of tradition, I asked him again,

"Have you ever tried that tradition before?"

"Um, yeah. I did that once. I can still remember that time. I met this girl who took my cheese and we danced together."

"Hmm. I bet that girl was beautiful, isn't she?"

"I admit she was so beautiful. But when the time that I gave her my engagement pig, she's just rejecting me away. That's why I didn't easily fall in love again on girls."

"Aww. That was so sad."

But when I said that, my idea sparked out upon what if I dance with him on the festival.

"Hey, why don't we just dance together you and me?" I said to him.

"Uh, no Jel. I'm not really going to dance around here." He nervously said.

"Come on! Don't be shy, let's dance!" I said as I grabbed his hand.

"But Jelou, I... Ah!"

As we danced together with the people dancing around vigorously, the tapping beat in my feet feel the festive music with my best friend enjoying on the groove. I laughed out in pleasure to be danced with him together one more time not just I danced with my own dream again, but for real! I felt free all the things around me. As I continued dancing, Dru stopped for a while with his thoughts saying,

"Seems that I've found you now my crimson girl. You're the one I've been looking for all my life. It's really you."

So he went towards me with his heart pounding fast, he grabs my hand and bends me down with the blooming look on his face.

"Uh, Dru? W-What are you doing?" I nervously said with a blush.

He didn't spoke a single word until he kissed me again deeply without hesitation. I felt that his kiss was telling me something so I closed my eyes. He puts me up and after the kiss, he stared at me.

"You came back, my crimson girl." he said in his thoughts.

   After that, we go to the cliff to see the beautiful view of the sunset at the sea together. Since then, we never spoke each other less. Until I said to him,

"Dru, can I tell you something strange?"

"What is it, Jel?" He asked.

I got so hesitated to say something to him about my dream a few weeks ago.

"You know, it might be weird to say this but, I dream't something strange before I met you. You seem so familiar to that blonde guy who danced with me at that time." I said.

Well he was thinking about what happened lately.

"Um, pardon me about the kiss. I just can't contain my feelings for you." he said.

I felt flushed of what he said, but I put that out of mind and said to him,

"N-no, no. It's okay. I was thinking about my dream. You seem so familiar with that blonde guy in my dream, before."

"I guess that was me you were talking about." he said.

"Wait, so that means... You were that guy I was talking about my whole life! It's totally you!"

We both felt the excitement as we found each other in our own dreams but actually, it's for real!

"I've finally found you!" he said.

"And so am I!" I said.

"Now, can I confess to you something crazy?"

"Yes, me either."

Until we both said each other's words saying,

"I'm in love with you... Wait, what?!"

Then we said in each other words again,

"Wait did we..."

"Just both..."

"Said each..."



After that, we laughed with joy and he carries me around ('hugging' me) then puts me down.

"Whoa! I can't believe it!" I said.

"I'm so happy I'm gonna kiss you!" he said.


Upon knowing his words, he awkwardly said,

"I-I mean I'm gonna kiss you again on the cheeks. He he he... Well I guess this it. But maybe if we.... Oh."

At the middle of his talk I hugged him warmly then he blushed. And I said to him calmly,

"It's alright, Dru. At least I know you more. Now, shall we go back to the mansion to proceed our first night heist?"

He stuttered and said to me,

"Uh... oh yes, yes, sure. Why wouldn't I?"

"Well then, let's go!"

And so we go back to the mansion to aid on our first heist. Our operation: Retrieve The Rayleigh Heist.

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