Festivites of a Feast

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Fangsu was plunged into the embrace of abyssal darkness that was all too familiar to Fangsu. Luckily this relapse wasn't painful like the other times which was something that rarely occurred for Fangsu but the overwhelming fatigue caused her to be unable to move, unable to tell time. The darkness and the inability of telling time. It was lonely.

A bitterness entered her mouth, it was her medication. Her consciousness began clearing up as the effects of the medicine as she felt the sensation of being lifted and taken away to somewhere and as the person who was carrying her stopped for a moment before moving once again. Stopping at someone's tent presumably since people were mumbling which was most likely talking but Fangsu could not hear anything because her ears were ringing painfully. A soft warmth touched her forehead before Fangsu felt her body being settled down onto something pleasantly soft and she was being enveloped with warmth.

Fangsu could only lay in the darkness with her thoughts as she felt the occasional cool sensation on her forehead. Slowly but surely, Fangsu regained some strength, only enough to sit up as her eyes adjusted to the light. An elderly woman was beside her, "You're awake," Bring a cup of a warm concoction that had a slight herbal scent, "Drink this, it will help with your health even if only a bit," The elderly woman tenderly bought the bowl to Fangsu's lips only slightly tilting it to allow her to drink the herbal soup. As Fangsu drank the herbal soup which was so familiar in taste that tears fell from her eyes as she continued to drink the soup.

The elder woman was stunned by the girl's tear as she gently wiped the tear with a handkerchief, "What's wrong?" Her concern for the girl was heartfelt as she bought the girl into her arms, holding Fangsu close to her.

At first, Fangsu kept silent as she continued to silently weep, "I just miss home, my mum, nanny and my sisters," Snuggling against the warm embrace of the elderly woman. Spilling out what she had held for the past year. Like ice, her heart slowly melted for spring as the elderly woman held Fangsu so kindly. She could no longer hold the emotions that she held so tightly like a vice, unwilling to bother others. After so many years having to rely on others made Fangsu hate her incompetence.

She may put up a mask of independence and maturity but in reality, Fangsu was just a lonely girl who couldn't help but feel that she was useless.

The elderly woman brought the young girl's face to look at her, "It's okay to miss your family but know that there wouldn't want you to cry," Even though she didn't know the girl's situation she could tell the girl was homesick, "Life is short so just do whatever you like because you only have one," Wiping the tears away from the girl's sweet doll-like face. Fangsu sniffled as she roughly wiped away the remaining tears with her sleeve.

Seeing the girl's emotions had settled she gently led the girl out of the tent to sit with her at the venue where the ceremony was still resuming after the hunting competition. The feast was elaborate with various dishes that would take hours to make as the delicious smell wafted in the air comforting Fangsu's sore heart. The elderly woman kindly gave the girl some food encouraging her to eat so that she could recover some energy. Fangsu picked up her chopsticks, picking up a piece of lamb, biting into the tender meat that was smoky while it complemented the vegetables that gave some sweetness, "It's yummy," Finishing the meat, a dumpling was placed on her plate which Fangsu picked up bitty into the tender and chewy skin with shredded beef, cooked with onion, garlic and especially aromatic pepper filling.

As Fangsu was happily eating the food that was given to her, people including The chieftain, Ang Siu and Sim Siu came rushing into the venue carrying a whole roasted goat and Ang Siu began to proceed to cut the belly open to reveal onions and potatoes inside it which surprised Fangsu. However, the meaty aroma whetted her appetite to taste the unusual dish. The elderly woman beside her chuckled at the doll-like girl's appetite and got up to get a serving, "You three better get me the best part so I can give it to the girl," The elderly woman smiled as pointed at the direction of Fangsu who was still eating by herself. Ang Siu nodded as he began cutting into the loin chops of the goat before plating it, it was the most tender part of the goat. Sim Siu took out some of the softer potatoes from within the cavity of the goat's stomach, placing it on the same plate, "Oh my! You two are trying to get the best for the girl," Watching her grandchildren attentively looking for the best parts of the roasted goat and vegetable she could tell that they had a favourable impression on the girl.

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