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She sat down with the employees knowing that they would protest at first. But after reasoning with them that she didn't have much time left and that she wanted to spend the rest of the last moments without any regret, they all gave their blessings. Wen Cheng rushed into the store immediately jumping on the verandas to reach the top floor where Fangsu was hugging the last of the employees, "You're finally back!" He rushed over to Fangsu, hugging her. Fangsu returned the hug knowing that this might be the last time they see each other. He looked around to see many of the employees crying, especially Da Fu, "What's going on around here?" He was confused why everyone was crying yet Fangsu remained smiling.

Fangsu waved off the employees to prepare the store for the day. Fangsu pulled out a seat for Wen Cheng, patting the seat. Gesturing toward him to sit on the seat, which he did, "Wen Cheng, I'm going to die within a year's time." Bluntly telling him of her circumstances which stunned Wen Cheng to an incredible extent that he could only gape at Fangsu like a fish, "So, I have decided to travel and leaving Blossoming Fragrance in Da Fu's capable hands," Fangsu continued to talk even though Wen Cheng had a hard time processing that fact that Fangsu was outright leaving the capital.

Wen Cheng clenched his trusty fan, "Your illness has progressed that far?" He began chuckling at Fangsu's straightforwardness. It was quite amazing to see that she had grown as a person from a shy person who was barely able to talk and now she was unfazed by many people, fighting back if it was required, "Go see the world for what it is. I will take care of everything here," But, it still was quite unnerving how Fangsu was slowly degrading even now at this present moment.

Fangsu smiled at Wen Cheng, "Thank you for understanding," Bowing at a ninety-degree angle, "Please look after everyone at Blossoming Fragrance," Fangsu requested Wen Cheng to care for Blossoming Fragrance in her stead while she travelled. Wen Cheng was quite stunned for words when Fangsu bowed, especially since a bow was a sign of respect for people. He quickly straightened Fangsu upright as she was the sickly one and was in need to recover. Wen Cheng, Fangsu and Da Fu all discussed the conditions for the ownership situation. Eventually, Da Fu was made the co-owner with the Chen Family for Blossoming Fragrance.

As Fangsu was able to leave the establishment, "Wen Cheng, I think of you like an older brother," She turned to Wen Cheng who smiled at the thought of being the older brother of Fangsu, "Look after Xiao Ming for me," Fangsu worries about Xiao Ming despite being sick.

Wen Cheng nodded, "Don't worry, I will," Understanding that Xiao Ming would need guidance in the future, "I think Xiao Ming and You as my younger siblings," He was ready to take the responsibility of Xiao Ming as an older brother figure.

For the day, Fangsu's objective for today was to purchase some travelling essentials to various biomes. On the other hand, Xiao Ming was quite upset knowing that Fangs was going to leave him. His small hands clung onto Fangsu's dress as his lips trembled as he was frightened to speak about Fangsu taking him with her. But, he steeled himself up, "Big Sister! Can you take me with you?" Xiao Ming was hoping that she would take him but Fangsu shook her head.

Crouching to Xiao Ming's level. Fangsu stared at Xiao Ming whilst gently holding his small hands in her own, "Xiao Ming, I'm not abandoning you. It's just that I don't have the ability to protect you," Fangsu realised that Xiao Ming's hands will outgrow her own hands which were already so small in comparison to other people, "If I were to die than you would have to fend for yourself," Fangsu caressed her little brother's face pushing a strand of hair behind his ear.

Xiao Ming began tearing up, "I'm okay with that!" Hot tears cascaded down his cheek and snot began dripping out of his nose, "I can fend for myself! I'm used to it!" A gentle sleeve rubbed his face, wiping away the tears and snots.

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