Chapter 1

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Applejack: Dashie~

Rainbow dash: Yes, my princess?

Applejack: i'm hungry...

Rainbow dash: Hey hungry, I'm Rainbow dash!

Applejack: Dash! I'm serious!

Rainbow dash: No! You're hungry!

Applejack: You're joking

Rainbow dash: No, i'm your girlfriend.


Sunset shimmer: Sometimes i can't figure out why is Princess Twilight so busy...

Applejack: She's a princess, Sunset. Give her a time.

Rainbow dash: She's probably too busy having some fuck back at her home. Face it- She is an animal after all. Hormones are probably flying!

Sunset shimmer: shit... Did you kiss your mother with that mouth of yours?

Rainbow dash: No. But i always kiss Applejack. Not on the lips but on her ti-

Applejack: *Smacked a hand over her mouth* Can ya ever learn to keep your mouth shut up?!

Sunset shimmer: Applejack, i'm starting to wondering why are you dating her... *laughs*


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