Chapter 13

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Rainbow dash: Here, let me take off your T-shirt. I wanna see it *giggles*

Applejack: I can't believe that i'm actually doing this with you!

Applejack: Ouch! Hey! Be gentle!

Rainbow dash: Nah!

Rainbow dash: Just keep your voice low before someone caught us! Remember that, baby?!

Applejack: Whatever...

Rainbow dash put Applejack on the bed and starting to kiss her.

Applejack: H-hey!

And they fuck

Applejack: S-shit! Y-yes!! R-right there! Gah! Rainbow!

Applejack: O-oh my Apples! More baby! More!!

Windy whistles knocking the door and tried to opened but she can't because it was locked.

Windy whistles: Dash? Aj? What are you doing?

Applejack: *gasps*

Rainbow dash: We-we're doing homework mom!

Applejack: Yeah! Me too!

Windy whistles: Aww, aren't you two are so cute? Finishing each other's homework!

Windy whistles: Don't sleep too late, kids!

Rainbow dash: Yes, mom! We won't!

And Windy whistles left.

Applejack: We almost died...

Rainbow dash smirked at Applejack and starting to fuck her again.


Twilight sparkle: What's worst than slow Wi-Fi?!

Rarity: Ruined make up!!!! *crying*

Twilight sparkle: No

Rarity: Then what?

Twilight sparkle: Not having a lover or a partner!!!!! *laughs like crazy*

Rarity gets mad and left.

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