Fluttershy: Hey, dashie. Can i ask you something?
Rainbow dash: Sure
Fluttershy: What is the difference between ❤️ and 💙?
Rainbow dash: ❤️ is for the people you love
Rainbow dash: and 💙 is for friendship
Fluttershy: Thanks for telling me, Dashie ❤️
Rainbow dash: yeah, you're welcome 💙
Pinkie pie: Morning girls!!!! How was your sleep??!!Rainbow dash: Great, i guess.
Rarity looked at Applejack and smiled at her.
Rarity: A-applejack...
Applejack: Wow, your first word of the day?
Rarity: I-i like y-you...
Applejack: Aww, your last day of the day
Conversation (Equestria Girls)
RandomDid the tittle tells you everything? oh yes it does :)