The Introduction

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Why I'm Writing This Book

So, I know what you're thinking: the world is quite literally coming to an end as the 2020 American presidential election takes over every social media platform, news media outlet, and, let's face it, every part of the nation. Biden has just been announced as the president elect, and life as we know it is about to change. Whether you classify as a republican, a democrat, or some awkward middle ground you have a hard time explaining at parties, I think we can all agree that the last four years have been rather chaotic. 

The left and the right have never been more divided, and it's scary. People are hating each other, refusing to listen to the opposite side, and running to social media the first chance they get to name call somebody with a differing opinion from theirs. The tension in America could quite literally be cut with a knife. We need reform in a million different areas, and most of all, we need unity. 

So, who should you support? Do you live in an alarmingly small town filled with far right families that tell you democrats are the spawns of Satan? Are you surrounded by the far left and live in fear of being canceled by woke culture? Or maybe you're completely lost, falling down a helpless rabbit hole of opinions you can't even begin to understand. 

It's okay, we've all been there. Politics can be messy, so let me give you my first piece of advice. 

Never idolize a politician. Support their ideas, support their policies, but don't support them personally. There should be a line, and if the politician crosses that line, you should hold them accountable, no matter your political affiliation. 

Politicians are not celebrities, and the government is not Hollywood. They are not supposed to be entertainers, they are supposed to serve the American people and put policies into place that will better America for EVERYBODY in it. 

I am about to give you a deep look into various important political issues and what I've concluded about them. I will provide you the names of politicians in support, and against, these policies, and let you decide for yourself what you think. 

That is why I'm writing this book. I am doing the research for you because I believe, in this day and age, we need to be educated so we can form our own opinions, political or otherwise. 

Other Political Resources to Check Out After 

I also thought I should share a list of other political resources, biased and unbiased, that you can refer to after this for more help forming your political opinions. It's a good idea to read both the side you support and the side you don't in order to be educated in the best possible way, at least in my opinion. 

"Don't Burn This Book: Thinking for Yourself in an Age of Unreason" by Dave Rubin 

"What You Should Know About Politics... But Don't" by Jessamyn Conrad

"United" by Cory Booker 

"Red State, Blue State, Rich State, Poor State: Why Americans Vote The Way They Do" by Andrew Gelman

Alright, now that we've got all our ducks in a row, we can get started. Flip to the next page to begin your political journey, and beware, being educated will make you an enemy of many people. It can be scary, but the point is to be brave and form your own opinions anyways. 

So, good luck, and happy reading!

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