Environmental Issues

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Environmental issues are heavy on many peoples' minds for good reason. According to Nasa, "Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner."

Many people take environmental issues into consideration when deciding which candidate's policies to support, so I think it's important we discuss some of them now. 

Reducing Carbon Emissions

The Political Issue

Carbon emissions are a form of greenhouse gas emissions that occur after human activities such as driving a car or practices used in the agricultural industry. Carbon emissions are considered pollution, and they have a very significant impact negatively on global warming. This is due to the fact that carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere in large amounts, according to Green Matters (greenmatters.com). 

Ultimately, carbon emissions contribute to climate change, which results in horrific events such as tropical storms, heat waves, and wild fires. To put it simply, science says carbon emissions are bad, and you can't argue science. 

The Democratic View On Carbon Emissions

Key left politicians believe in reducing carbon emissions, but their plans to do so vary. 

Joe Biden, Julian Castro, and Andrew Yang want to tax carbon emissions in order to incentivize businesses to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, but scientists argue that this act alone won't save our planet in time. 

Other Democrats, such as Amy Klobuchar and Bernie Sanders, want to impose government regulations. 

The Republican View On Carbon Emissions

Trump has made it pretty clear with his climate change rollbacks that he's not exactly worried for the carbon emissions affecting our environment, and that's all there is to it. 

Oil and Gas Drilling

The Political Issue

Oil, natural gas, and coal are the most consumed energies in the U.S., so it's no surprise that this is a key topic. 

According to The Wilderness Society (wilderness.org), oil and gas drilling disrupts wildlife habitats, the spills cause harm to animals, and the pollution hurts local communities. That is why a lot of people disagree with it. 

Supporters argue that we need the resources due to our tendency to consume their forms of energy, and they make a good point, but does oil and gas drilling do more harm than good in the long run?

Let's take a look at some politicians views on the matter. 

Joe Biden

Former Vice President Joe Biden wants to end new oil and gas leases on federal land and end offshore drilling according to Politico (politico.com). 

Bernie Sanders

Senator Bernie Sanders wants to ban fracking all together, instead of creating a plan to simply reduce the issue. 

Donald Trump

President Donald Trump has pursued policies in support of fossil fuel development, reviving projects including the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines, which were banned under the Obama Administration according to greenbiz.com. 

Climate Change 

The Political Issue 

The previous two issues discussed both contribute to climate change, but let's take a deeper look into what climate change actually is and how the affects of it will impact us as a nation and planet. 

Climate Change is a long term change in the otherwise "normal" weather patterns of local, regional, and global climates, as defined by NASA. Global Warming is long-term heating of the Earth due to human actions. 

Due to climate change, events such as hurricanes and large wildfires, are increasing in rate and intensity. This means it is directly affecting us in America and globally, making it a political issue. Lets take a look at the 2020 Presidential Election candidates' plans for handling climate change. 

Donald Trump

President Donald Trump has taken some interesting actions during his previous four years in office when it comes to climate change. 

Good Things Done For Climate Change Since 2016:

- Trump has supported laws that remove garbage from the ocean

- Trump has provided funding to national parks and public lands

- Trump has put $38 billion towards clean water infrastructure 

Bad Things Done For Climate Change Since 2016:

- Trump has removed the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement 

- Trump has loosened regulations on toxic air pollution

- Trump has narrowed the definition of what is considered a federally protected river or wetland

- Trump has rolled back rules limiting methane pollution from oil and gas infrastructures

Joe Biden

Joe Biden's plan to handle climate change includes the following according to NPR:

- Joe Biden wants to invest $2 trillion in green areas like infrastructure and construction practices

- Joe Biden wants to build over a million "sustainable homes"

- Joe Biden wants to create over a million jobs in the auto industry to boost electric vehicles

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