Chapter 4

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In fourth year, Gia attended the Yule Ball with Dean Thomas, as good friends. They laughed and danced the whole night after downing vodka shots in the Gryffindor common room. She had even got Dumbledore to un rhythmically jump up and down a bit when a song she liked came on.

Draco had danced too, less enthusiastically with Pansy Parkinson, who he had known wanted him to ask her to the ball. Pansy  went to dance with Millicent, while Draco left early. The night had stopped interesting him about thirty minutes ago.

When he and Marcus returned to their dorm they had chatted about the night. How Marcus had felt stupid dancing, how Pansy had refused to let go of Dracos hand the whole night.

"Mate we should have picked more fun dates, maybe we could've had a decent time."

"Like who?" Draco had sneered, undoing his tie in front of the mirror.

"I don't know, like Darcy or Rosy and Gia and that lot, didn't you see them, they were having a blast!" Marcus explained.

"I didn't notice". Draco replied disinterestedly.

Later that night Draco had heard Marcus whispering to Fin Trapworth, a first year about the ball.

"Which one is that?" Fin had been asking.

"You know! Gia! She was wearing... well fuck knows what she was wearing but the point is she managed to get alcohol into the dance!"

Draco, who had been feigning sleep on the couch spoke up.

"Red. Her dress was red".

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