Chapter 36

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Shoutout to:

Kikiwaka49 ❤️

"Still not made up with Zabini?" Gia asked Draco at dinner before the others arrived.

Draco scowled. "I'll kill him if he fucking sits near us".

Gia draped her leg over his and giggled "I'll take that as a no?"

He noticeably calmed at the contact. When nobody was looking Gia kissed him repeatedly on the cheek, again and again until he began to laugh.

Draco wasn't anything like she had expected. He was gentle, careful. But a small part of her still wanted to hold back having sex with him just in case he got what he wanted and left. Then this happy little bubble she was in would burst and she wasn't ready for that.

He looked her deep in the eyes and held on to her thigh. She wanted to trust him so badly.

"Gia I'm getting frustrated sneaking around all the time". He furrowed his eyebrows slightly. "I want to hold, not just when we manage to get time alone, it's not enough".

Butterflies arose in Gia's stomach. He didn't mind people knowing? Big, bad Draco Malfoy?

She opened her mouth to respond but Rosy sat down opposite her, causing her to bang her knee on the table as she jolted her leg off Draco's lap. They all greeted each other as Marcus joined them and began eating.

"Zabini not coming?" Marcus asked through a mouthful of mashed potato. Draco tensed at the mention of his name, but nobody else seemed bothered.

"Who knows" Rosy shrugged, "maybe he has detention or something".

Gia nodded in false agreement. They ate in silence for a while, until Rosy suddenly squealed, causing Draco to jump.

"Jesus Rosy you scared the shit out of me".

Rosy ignored him and turned to Gia, bouncing in her seat. "G, I nearly forgot to tell you! Dean heard Sam say he's gonna ask you to the Valentines ball! Apparently he wants you back"
she wiggled her eyebrows gleefully.

Draco growled quietly at the mention of his name. Sam and Gia had dated for a while back in fourth year until she had broken it off just before the summer. Gia put her fork down, noticing Draco's discomfort.

"I don't know Rosy, that's quite a while away, isn't it?" She chuckled slightly to ease the tension which Rosy seemed oblivious to.

"Who cares!" She squealed, "how exciting is this, now we can go on a double date!" She grasped Marcus's arm, who was still chewing absentmindedly.

Gia glanced at Draco who had a stony look on his face. "Don't you remember I broke it off with him? He's boring, I'll probably say no if he asks me". A hand was placed on her thigh, the cold rings making her shiver. Gia smirked.

"I mean, I definitely will say no, I'm really over that now Rose, sorry".

Rosy pouted but Gia barely noticed, feeling the fingers tracing circles higher and higher up her thigh making her all tingly.

"Malfoy, reckon we can beat Hufflepuff at next weeks match?" Marcus changed the subject.

Gia knew Draco was feeling smug that his touch was making her flustered. He was so good at winning. But so was she. She discretely took the hand from her leg and placed it directly on her pussy, letting him feel her.

He stumbled slightly on his words in surprise, trying to maintain poised. "Yh-yeah we err, we nearly had them last time" he replied, his cheeks slightly flushed.

"C'mon G, you said you'd do my nails" Rosy addressed Gia, standing up from the table.

Draco pressed his fingers into her clit, making her breathlessly reply to Rosy with a "sure" before exiting the hall together.

That night, Gia found a note under her pillow. "I want to ruin you, Gia". She smiled when she read it. She knew Draco was used to getting his own way, and she was making him wait. She just prayed she would be able to resist him.

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