The Witch and the King

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×This story is not to be taken seriously and was created using the Ai Dungeon online game. It was edited from the original to help it flow and be easier to comprehend. Any inconsistences are a result of the AI.×

     The story starts with a witch. I am Krisy Lorna, a witch living on the edge of the medieval kingdom of Larion. I have a wand and a pet alligator named Fluffy. As I sit in my swamp hut mixing a magical potion, I hear a knock at the door. I open it and see a large man in chainmail. "Hail, witch. I am here to take you to the king." He stands at an impressive height of 6 feet. 

     I scream uncontrollably, saying, "NOT AGAIN" The knight gives me a look of disapproval and says, "I was under the impression witches didn't do that."  I say, "I'm special ed." The knight looks at you disapprovingly and says, "Well, you're the only one I've heard of, but if you're special ed, you better come with me to the castle." I follow the knight on all fours. He walks at an impressive speed. I keep up by jumping and using my hands to scale stuff. We get to the gates of the medieval castle, which are wide open. 

    I say, "I've seen bigger castles than this."  "The knight stops and stares at me. I state in annoyance, "What are you looking at?" The knight draws his sword. He brings it down hard on my head. (This is a really small castle.) I curse him exclaiming, "YOU DARE ATTACK ME FIEND?" hitting the knight with my wand. The knight is now a statue.

      I approach the statue and make sure it's a real statue. I then enter the castle gates, approaching the king, telling him, "Your knight was extremely unpleasant" before saying, "What do you require of me your majesty?" The king, a small man in the throne room, looks up from his papers and sighs. He says, "I need an army, my witch." I reply, "An army, that's all?" He nods and frowns. "I need you to get rid of the knights that patrol these woods", he says. "They are camped on the edge of my lands, and I want them gone. I say "Will do, I shall be off" before leaving. I leave the king and approach the knight's statue. I reverse the curse turning him back into a real man. I then leave the castle, returning to the swamp. 

     I go inside my hut to find a spell to make Fluffy, my alligator, a gigantic and invincible beast to eat the knights in the woods. However the knights patrol the area, so they can't be eaten. I approach them in stealth, saying "I'm not quite done with you yet." I eat them all, leaving nothing but bones behind. I have eaten all the knights in the area. I've worked quite hard, and need to rest.

     I return to my hut and collapse. I have eaten the knights! The king is impressed with my accomplishments, and tells me that he wishes to meet the witch who accomplished such a feat.

     I awaken in the morning and prepare to head to the castle to see the king. I choose to journey through the swamps, as I am quite famished from eating the knights. I return to the Castle, where the king meets me at the gates. He takes one look at my belly and nods. "I see you've feasted, my dear." He hands me a bone filled pouch. I say "Thank you my king" He says, "I require an army of the dead to take back my country from these cunts."

     He hands me a small golden cup, engraved with strange runes. "Drink this." I question him suspicious, "What does this do?" He nods. "When you're in grave danger, you must drink from the cup to be resurrected. It's a one time thing, though. Once you're dead, you stay dead. I say "Then I shall raise an army of the dead and give control to you" The king likes this plan, saying that he will be in contact with me. He hands me a small silver whistle, and tells me that whenever he calls, I must blow the whistle to wake everyone. I return to the swamp with the whistle.

     Later, I awaken in my hut. I peer around, and see Fluffy, looking exactly as expected. I grab the whistle from my table, and tuck it into my tunic. As I await orders from the king, I sit down on the floor and begin playing with Fluffy. The Alligator seems to enjoy it, and sits by me, hoping for a piece of meat. I give Fluffy a piece of meat. Fluffy happily eats the piece of meat, and looks expectantly at me. "Alright, Fluffy." I hold out my hand, and Fluffy lays his head on it. I pet Fluffy violently. Fluffy yelps in pain, and looks at me. "Sorry, boy. I'm just really hungry." I lie down on the floor, and pet him again. I give him another piece of meat to make up for hurting him. Fluffy happily eats the meat, and lays his head on my hand again.

     I have a plan now. The king has given me a magic whistle, to invoke the dead. I blow the whistle. The whistle magically emits a piercing scream, as if the world is ending aurally. For a moment, nothing happens. I wait. Slowly, the screams of the dying begin to resonate. Soon, I hear the shuffling of feet, and feel an arm slide around my shoulders. "I'm here." I say "Almight is that you?" The voice booms. "Yes, I'm here." I wait for another moment, before realizing that he can't hear me. "Are you there?" "Yes." I say "Do you know your purpose?" "I was created to serve the king." "You were created? But didn't you exist before?" "Of course. Do you not know about the Great Lich Lord?"

     This question takes me off guard. I say "Of course I know the Great Lich Lord, however I've only heard stories and legends." There is a pause. "He was a powerful necromancer who nearly took over the world." I grin. "Better and better. How long have you been dead?" "Over five hundred years." I say " Well are you ready to fulfill your purpose?" The voice seems to think for a moment. "I suppose so." "Good. Here." I take out the whistle the king gave me, and hold it out. "I wager this will come in handy."

     The war between the undead and the king's enemies is declared. The undead will succeed. I exclaim "Victory is in your hands" " "Yes." It gives the whistle back to me. "Thanks." "I must go back now. Good luck." The corner of my mouth curls up. "Thank you.

     I return to celebrate. The smell of rotting corpses hits my nostrils. It's not as bad as it was, but I'm still not looking forward to the feast. I walk through the village. Some of the villagers aren't completely decimated yet, and so I consume them immediately.

     Soon enough though, I reach my destination: The banquet hall. I enter the hall, and find the king holding court. I listen quietly. "So you're saying there is a small chance the undead won't win?" the king looks up, and stares at me. "There is always a chance, but the undead have an advantage. I protest "They can't be killed" The king scoffs, "Can't be killed? Well, I'd sooner say killed again. But the undead can be killed." He holds up a hand as I open my mouth to argue. "Think of it this way..." I wait for his response. The king simply holds up his hand again. "Think on it." I sigh, impatiently waiting for him to finish his drink. I snap, menacingly approaching the king. I look down at the king, who stares at me with a mixture of horror and confusion. "Well?" he asks softly. "I don't know."

     My mind thinks, 'CONSUME HIM'. I stare at the king, who stares back. Then, I burst forward...

To be cont'd I'll continue this in a few days. (I won't really this is how the computer ended it)

×I'd appreciate feedback (in the unlikely hood this is actually read) and wonder if you'd prefer I keep it in the original third person format and/or you'd like it to be put where you can see the users input then see the AI's input×

× Edited by @SatansDaughter1234 ×

Edited: Nov 10, 2020

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