Chapter 8: Persephone

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What can go wrong

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What can go wrong. What can go wrong? Why did I even say that? I should've known from the beginning that that platter was doomed. Poor Tall probably tried to carry it outside and fell. Why did I even push for the baby shower? Everything I touch in Chicago turns against me. Maybe coming back was a mistake. Maybe the universe is telling me to go back to France and live a quiet life by the ocean. Loads of people dream of that. I dreamt of that. Why don't I dream of it anymore? Why can't I be content with what I have? Why do I always need more?

I rap my fingers on the steering wheel as I drive five miles per hour around the hospital's parking lot, searching for an empty spot. My car and my thoughts go in circles.

The receptionist at the front desk checks me in, prints out a stick-on temporary badge, and directs me to the maternity ward. Angie's bag is pushing me over to one side and I keep hitting it on every doorway and every other person walking by. I don't know what is needed for a hospital birth, but I didn't anticipate this much stuff. Aren't they supposed to provide you with everything?

Me: i'm here. tell mike to come get me.

No reply.

Me: can you come get me? i'm in the waiting room.

No reply.

An older couple is sitting on the chairs grouped if an L-shape by the light beige wall near the nurse's station. I look around and choose a small bright alcove with a short vinyl couch and plant myself there, Angie's bag at my feet. The texts with Angie have been steady, and she was right to come. She was in labor.

Me: i'm in the waiting room with your bag.

Me: i'm in the waiting room with Angie's bag.

One of them should get it.

Me: how's tall doing? any news?

Ben's reply comes moments later.

Ben: We're in triage in the ER, but they suspect Tall is right, and he did break the other hip. They'll be sending him for X-rays soon.


Me: if it's broken, what's next?

Ben: Last time he had surgery and then went into a rehab facility until he was mobile enough to return home. I spent a lot of time visiting him there.

Surgery at almost ninety? Not good. Not good.

Me: thanks for being with him.

Ben: He's part of the family. Any news on Angie? She stopped texting me twenty minutes ago and Mike isn't replying either.

Me: same with me. no one's replying. but i'm in the waiting room.

Ben: Are her parents coming?

Me: angie said they are cutting their trip short.

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