~Ready For The Club~

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Here we go!  🙂😃

~Hinata's POV~

We had won the game against Nekama!  I couldn't believe it!  I ran to the locker room to get changed and run to Kenma to see if he had any plans for the night.

"Kenma wait up!" I yelled running to catch up to him.

"Oh, hey Shoyo," he said in his usual calm voice.  "What's up?"

"Oh, I was wondering if you had any plans tonight?"  I huffed trying to catch my breath.  Kenma tilted his head looking at me.

"Uh, yeah.  Nekoma is throwing a party tonight at a club.  Kuroo and I are going to go together.  But we can pick outfits together at my house if you want?"

"Sure that sounds awesome!" I said happily.  Kuroo called him by his first name and he ran to catch up with Kuroo.  I went home to wait for Kenma to text me that I could head to his house when his meeting was over.

~Bootiful time skippp😌~

I had put on a dress and was waiting for Kenma to come out.  Before the other day I never really noticed the feelings I had for Kenma.  Mostly because he was with Kuroo so I never paid attention to the feelings I had for him.  

"Shoyo," Kenma's voice brought me out of my thoughts.  "How do I look?" he asked.  I thought my nose was going to start bleeding.  He was wearing a dark red crop top with white stripes going down the sleeves and a white skirt.  He had on a pair of boots that were actually his mom's.

"Kenma you look amazing!" I said happily running up to him and hugging him.

"Thanks, Shoyo," he said hugging back.  "Hey, I have an idea."  He grinned.

Kenma walked out of the room and I went skipping after him.  We walked down the hallway and into his older sister's room.  He then proceeded to go into her closet which he knows is off limits!

"Kenma your sisters room is off limits!"

"Oh quit wineing," he said laughing.  When we walked in, i thought i was going to pass out from amazement.  in the closet was tones of dresses, wigs, and tones of make-up.

"I know they are here somewhere," he said beginning to dig through the area her wigs were in.

"Kenma what are you doing?  We should get out of here before your sister comes home and finds us in here," I hissed at him.  He paid no mind to it and kept digging in the box he had found.

"Ah there they are!" He had found what he was looking for and i was ready to get out of that room.  Kenma walked up to me and grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room, back down the hall, and into his room.  He let go of my hand and we jump flopped onto his bed.  We did this a lot.  Sneaking into his sisters room then running back to his and jumping onto the bed for safety.  It was fun.  I wanted this to never end.  For us to stay young dumb teenagers.

"Okay," he said sitting up.  He pulled something out of the plastic bag i hadn't noticed he had earlier.  "Time to finish your outfit."

He sat me on the edge of the bed and was doing something with my hair.  I head berets snap.

"Kenma what are you doing," i said laughing.

"I'm finishing your outfit," he said happily.

When he was done he climbed off the bed and walked around so he was in front of me.  He messed with my hair a bit and stepped back a step or two. 

"mhm," he said nodding his head.

He pulled his phone out, told me to pose, and took a picture of me.  He walked over to me to show me.  Kenma had added extensions to my hair to make me look like a girl.

"Wow Kenam that looks awesome," I beamed.  When i looked back at Kenma his face was close to mine.  So close I could...

"We should get going," he said turning away.  

'Damn it,' I thought.

"Oh yea, right sure."  i said putting on a fake smile.  "I guess we are ready for the club."

Hinata's PovWhere stories live. Discover now