Chapter Nine

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IT HAS BEEN ANOTHER WEEK AFTER THE FIGHT. The both of them had forgiven each other and pretended what happened after it never occured. It was awkward for Solis as she enjoyed it. It was awkward for Sirius because he had thought it was creepy of him to join her bed. Both didn't know what was going on in each other's head and decided to move past it.

"31 weeks to go." Solis sighed.

"We all are here for you Solis." Stella reassured.

Right now, the new group of friends are sitting in the three broomsticks. Enjoying their sip of butterbeer except for the pregnant lady.

"I know. What I meant is that I have 31 weeks to go until I can drink butterbeer again." The girl admitted making the group laugh.

"Did you have a butterbeer obsession before the little bean?" Sirius asked.

"Yes. How do people not love butterbeer?"

"If I'm pregnant, I think I would dread not being able to drink Iced tea. From your case, I studied that tea also contains caffeine that could be harmful." Gwen popped in the conversation.

"Well. Thank Merlin you're not pregnant right?" James chuckled.

"Are you still on about getting me pregnant?"

"I thought you said you're considering it."

"Well surely not now Jamie." The girl huffed.

"So, one day then?" James wiggled his brows.

"Shut up." Gwen blushed.

"I think you guys should have your own baby for Merlin's sake." Sirius muttered.

"Shut up paddy." Gwen retorted.

"Good idea." James laughed.

"Okay. But Gwen is right, tea can be harmful. It has caffeine. Don't drink muggle drinks like Soda too." Remus inserted.

"Remus Lupin, do you think we can get a muggle drink here in Hogsmeade." Solis rolled her eyes. Her moods as usual are very bipolar. It was getting worse and worse as the pregnancy progresses.

"Right." Remus chuckled.

"What are we going to do after this?" Peter asked.

"Gwen and I are separating from all of you singles." James smugly said.

"Rude Prongs." Remus rolled his eyes.

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