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IT'S THE YEAR 1982. The war is over. Everybody can finally go back to their normal lifes without the fear of death. Sirius Black is currently working as an auror. His dream job. He already has a dream family. Everything is doing great. It wasn't perfect between him and Solis — there were couple quarrels here and there, but they love each other. They've been married for four years. Nothing really changed. Except for the addition of another baby. A baby girl. With stormy grey eyes.

"Did you let Leo eat more candies?!" Solis sighed.

"Well...he was giving me the puppy eyes." Sirius scratched his head, "You know I can't say no to that."

"But it's unhealthy, I swear one day the both of you will be the death of me!" She frustratedly place her thumb and index finger on the bridge of her nose.


"Yes. Leo darling, what do you need?" Sirius almost snorted at her duality. One second she was frustrated and the other so loving.

"I want a glass of milky." The 5-year-old boy said.

"Okay, baby. Sit on the sofa with your baby sister okay?"

"Yes mummy."

"My son is extremely adorable." Solis fawned. Leonis Black is the sweetest five year old, you could ever meet.

"Because he looks like me." Sirius smirked.

"Yeah sure." She sarcastically said.

"If you want our baby to look like you, maybe we should have another one." He said with a smug face.

"No more giving birth. Unless, you want to get pregnant?" Sirius raised his hand surrendering. He entered the living room, Leo was taking care of the one-year-old. They were cuddling.

"Later, when mummy comes here, tell her that you love her." Sirius ruffles his son's hair and sat his daughter on his lap. Lyra Aeliana Black is definitely growing to be a daddy's girl.

"Okie daddy."

Solis Black entered the living room, seeing her family all sticking to each other. She smiled at the scene. After all the tragedies the last few years, they can finally live a normal life.

"Here's your milk, Leo." She handed him a cup of milk.

"Thank you mummy. I love you." That warms Solis' heart.

"I love you too, Baby."

"Mama, Dada, I wuv you." Lyra said. Receiving a kiss on the head from her father.

"Aww, I love you Lyra." Solis smiled. She loves her family. Nothing will ever change that. A love of a mother for her children. A love of a wife for her husband.

"It's time to sleep. Let's put the kids to bed after Leo finishes his milk." The mother said. Sirius smiles and nodded. After Leo drank all the milk. Solis took Leo to his room.

She tugged him in. Caressing his forehead, letting him enter the realm of dreams. Solis and Sirius kissed his forehead. They also tugged their youngest daughter on the crib. Solis sang her a lullaby. After she slept, the parents also kissed her goodnight.

Sirius and Solis retired to their own bedroom. Unlike Leo, Lyra is a quiet baby, so they both get more sleep. The two of them sat up on the bed. Her head on his shoulder.

"I'm happy." She said suddenly.

"That's good."

"Even though they are annoyingly your copy, I love them. So much. Too much maybe." She chuckled.

"I know." Sirius smiled.

"I couldn't imagine my life without you and the kids."

"Me too. The three of you are my life."

"I love you Sirius Black."

"I love you Solis Edwards."

Solis scoffed, "It's Black now. We've been married for four years Siri."

Sirius chuckled, "I know. I just love messing with you. I love you Solis Black."

"Hmm." Sirius pulled her to his arms. Crashing their lips together. He intensified the kiss, but Solis stopped him.

"The kids."


"Contraceptive charm." She really didn't want more babies. Sirius chuckled and did it nevertheless. And so another blissful night for the couple.


Suddenly, it was raining hard. Thunder banging. Waking Solis up , her husband was still deep asleep. It is 2 am. She put on her robes and decided to check on her children, whether the loud noise is bothering them or not. She first checked on Lyra, she was peacefully sleeping. Heavy sleeper just like her father.

Solis entered her son's room. He was under the blanket shaking. She immediately turned on the lights and sat next to him.

"Leo, what's wrong?"

"Mummy? I'm scared." He hugged his mother. She rubbed comforting circles on his back.

"What are you scared of?"

"It's so loud. I- I hate it. It- it scares me."

"Oh, baby. Why didn't you wake me up?"

"B-because I'm a big boy. I- I shouldn't bother mummy and daddy sleeping."

"You're not a bother, darling. You should wake me up, if you're scared. Have you always been this scared of loud thunders?" She asked and he nodded. That means the amount of times, he has been shaking scared underneath his blanket, her heart hurts on that. "You can wake me up next time. How about I sleep here tonight?"

"O-okay mummy." Leo scooted over giving space. Solis laid next to him, caressing his head to put him in a calm state to sleep.

"Sleep baby. I love you." She kisses his forehead and sleep together with him.


Sirius woke up to nothing by his side. His wife gone. Poof. The bed was cold, losing the warmth of his wife. He checked the clock and it is 3.42 am. He immediately looked for her. Checking on Lyra's room, nobody was there but the baby girl. Next, he checked on Leo's room. There she is. Sleeping soundly with their son. Sirius sighed in relieve. Nothing bad happened to her. He approached her. Not wanting to wake her up, he moved slowly with no sound. The two blue eyed pair of mother and son were sleeping peacefully. Sirius smiled at that. Leo was latching on his mother's arm.

The father left the two alone. Letting them get some rest. He went back to his bedroom. It feels empty without Solis, but he had to sleep for work in the morning. In his sleep, he could only smile dreaming about his family. He finally got the family that he's been wanting for years. His wish came true. He can finally be happy now.

He is happy.

Author's note:
Next chapter is their wedding and  one more bonus chap that's it. Done. This is so sad. I'm finally ending this book.

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