Chapter Eighteen

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MARLENE MCKINNON SIMPLY WANTED TO BE LOVED BY SIRIUS BLACK. Is it too much to ask? Now, another girl, out of nowhere has stolen him away from her. Solis Edwards. The anti-social Hufflepuff.

"-Lene! Marlene!" Somebody called out to her.


"What's wrong? Lately, you've been out of it." Lily Evans asked.

"I- I'm just stressed out about N.E.W.T.s that's all." She lied. Lily Evans and the girls knew it wasn't that but decided not to push further.

A girl walked pass them. Nobody but Marlene realized who it was. She abruptly stood up, making her friends looked at her.

"I need some air. I'll come back. Okay?" Marlene told them and they nodded. The blonde girl followed the girl she just saw from earlier. Suddenly, she lost her track of her.

"Why are you following me?" Marlene was startled. The girl she wanted to talk to. Solis Edwards herself was now behind her.

"I- I needed to say something."

"What is it?" Solis didn't like anything about Marlene. The fact that she kissed Sirius didn't help her case at all. Do you ever have that one person you just dislike for no reason? That's Marlene to Solis.

"It's about Sirius."

"Spit it out then. I have a class in ten minutes." Solis folded her arms to her chest.

"He loves me."

Solis snorted. "Are you insane? We're dating. If he loves you, he would be dating you, no?" She didn't want to waste anymore time and was about to leave when Marlene grabbed her wrist harshly, "What more do you want?"

"I love him. You don't." Marlene said.

"You don't know anything about me and how I feel towards Sirius." Solis said in a warning tone. "Now if you'd excuse me, I have an important class to attend." She turned her back to walk away.

"So, you love him?" Marlene last asked. But, the brunette didn't answer and just left.

Suddenly, somebody approached the blonde girl on the spot.

"Do you even know why Sirius hangs around a girl like her?" That person asked.

Marlene looked at them. She was confused why that person decided to talk to her.

"It's because she's pregnant with his child."

Shockwave overwhelmed her body. Her eyes widened. "Is it true?"

"Of course. Now, I'm proposing a collaboration. You want Sirius, no?"

"What do you want?"

"To hurt Solis Edwards."

"How am I going to get Sirius?"

"Simple. Amortentia."

"But that's illegal. We learned it last year and-"

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