Welcome to Forks High

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I was optimistic in Bella having a vehicle until I saw the rust bucket that was just shy of falling apart in our driveway. Bella slipped and slid out the front door while trying to get to her car. Good thing ice helps with swelling. Dad and Renee always seemed to coddle Bella but it definitely took a load off my back for once. Dad helped Bella up and into but by the time he turned to help me I was already in the truck buckled in. I leaned back in the seat and began to doze on the way to school. This was my first time being able to act like a normal over ambitious teenager. I didn't have to worry about stalkers or maniacs wanting their fifteen minutes of fame. I didn't have to worry about my career choices every second of every day because I was now free to be Amy Swan. When we arrived, I got out the truck and grab my military backpack. I began looking around the parking lot and I could immediately pick out the cliques and who gravitated to whom. I noticed a group of jocks laughing beside us.
"Nice truck." One boy mocked
"Thanks." Bella said meekly
"Dont worry, Isabella, the truck isn't as much an eye sore as that." I said pointing towards the boy who mocked  us
The boy looked confused and began looking around.
"What?" He said looking at his friends one of them actually understood what I was saying and trying not to laugh
I pulled out a spare compact mirror I had and gave it to the boy.
"Look in the mirror, honey, and you'll understand." I said slowly as if he wis slow
The boys were really immature and were dying on the ground ragging on the boy. The boy looked to be getting angry.
"Don't dish it out if you can't take it pretty boy." I said before tossing my braid over shoulder and walking with Bella inside
Bella was blushing hard. She is really not this shy. Once she finds a clique she can fit into she'll show her true colors. Bella is very self centered and does not believe in privacy. Bella is actually the reason I found out I had powers. One day when I was 8, Bella was adamant that she had to read my diary because as my older sister she had the right to know everything about me, so to teach Bella a lesson I wrote that she would embarrass herself at the dance recital the following day because she never practiced. The following day all the other girls in the recital did well but Bella was not only a full 5 beats behind everyone else but she also fell before running off the stage. She stopped doing dance after that Of course I practiced with this ability and later met a Wiccan witch who was teaching an occult course at the Arizona University. She said I had a connection to the earth and that I could use the ability. I did love being outside. It was like I could feel the life around me. Right after I talked with Wiccan I was told we were moving to Forks. Bella is a thorn in my side but she is still my sister and I will try to be there for her. I stopped thinking about my powers after that. I focused on singing, dancing, and school. Forks High wasn't too bad. They were a bit behind compared to where we were in Arizona but the teachers seemed about as gloomy and dull as the weather. I was the new student so I was expecting certain bullies to come out the cliques. I met a wannabe mean girl named Jessica. She stared me up and down before being as fake as she could be and introduced herself.
"Hi I'm Jessica. You guys must be the new Swan sisters. You guys are from Arizona, right?" Jessica said to us
"Yeah, I'm Bella. This is Amethyst but we call her Amy." Bella said
Her and Jessica hit it off. Fake people attract I guess. Bella tries the whole meek and shy thing. Jessica is preppy cheerleader thing. Match made in fake people heaven. We went through our classes and did the introductory stuff. We finally got to lunch and Bella, and more or less me, were introduced to the group. This seemed like an acyllptic group. Jessica, the cheerleader and volleyball star, had a crush on the head jock of the basketball team at the table, Mike Newton. Angela, the geeky camera girl, had a crush on the head of the Forks High newspaper, Eric. I could at least blend in with this crowd by being silent. That was until I felt that creepy crawly feeling going up my spine when they came in. A group of admittedly beautiful people came walking in. I noticed right off the bat that this was going to be the group that got Bella, and me by association, in trouble. Thankfully Jessica seemed to have some answers on where our eyes were glued to.
"Who are they?" Bella asked
"The Cullens." Angela whispered
"Doctor and Mrs. Cullen foster kids. They all moved down here from Alaska two years ago." Jessica said quietly
"They pretty much keep to themselves." Angela said
"Because their like together, like together together." Jessica said snidely
"Its not like their birth siblings, Jessica." Angela scolded
"Yea but it's weird." Jessica answered Angela "Okay the blond, Rosalie Hale, is with the big dark haired guy, Emmett Cullen. The one that looks like he's in pain all the time is Rosalie's twin brother, Jasper, and he is dating the weird pixie girl, Alice Cullen. I swear Doctor Cullen is running like a foster match making service."
"I wish he'd adopt me." Angela said dreamily
"Who the one in the corner?" Bella asked
I watched as Jessica looked rejected and tried to play it off as I smirked.
"Oh that's Edward Cullen. He's the only single Cullen but apparently nobody at this school is good enough for him, so I wouldn't even bother." Jessica said moodily
"So in other words you were viciously rejected." I couldn't help but say it and she threw a fry at me with a good natured smile
Maybe she wasn't so bad.
"Bella seems to have her eye on Edward what about you? Anyone here at the school catch your eye?" Angela smirked
"No my crush is on the reservation but Bella, I am warning you now, leave me out of this. I will not help you what so ever with this. I'll tell you why. I am good at judging people okay. At that table alone is the world's most dangerous killers okay. Let me break this down for you. Rosalie Hale, the blond rich barbie doll from hell that if you so much as glance in her direction she will either tear you apart with her manicured nails or sick her grizzly bear of boyfriend Emmett Cullen on you. I am telling you I have serious doubts if all the schools jocks all jumped on him that would even slow him down. Jasper Hale, he is your textbook school shooter, he has the look of being able to walk into the school shoot everybody and still be able to leave and go be the pack mule for the pixie on steroids, Alice Cullen, shopping trip. DO NOT let her cute ways fool you I bet if you so much as graze Jasper that if he doesn't get you she will. Edward Cullen, there is only so much teenage angst and brooding that can possibly be held in one room and he has called dibs on all of it. The day he smiles or cracks a laugh I guarantee you the world is ending. Bella as your sister if you wish to go into this war of star crossed lovers you shall do it alone but I promise to write you a very nice song for your funeral. Oh and make sure you have a will made okay." I ranted
Mike Newton and ALL his buddies on the ground dying with laughter. Jessica was trying to keep it quiet but she and Angela were laughing hard to even Bella was smiling.
"You saying you wont save me, little sis, that's messed up." Bella said
"Do I look like I can take on a tank? I'm a lover not a fighter kind of girl. Sorry, big sis." I answered with a nod
I glanced over and noticed that Rosalie was glaring at me while Emmett was laughing hard. All the Cullens except Rosalie and Edward had smiles on their faces looking at me so to finish off my performance I quickly hopped up.
"I've been spotted. You guys remember to call my Dad if you guys don't see at the end of the day." I said before dashing out to the laughter of the others
Biology was the last class of the day and I hoped it would be simple and easy but Bella seemed to draw Edward's wrath and I knew that I was going to end up seeing more of the Cullens one way or another.

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