Painful Truths and Forgiviness

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3rd POV
Rosalie could almost feel her heart breaking. Amethyst was not taking this well at all. Rosalie had begged Carlisle not to tell her, to leave Amethyst to her ignorance. Ignorance in this case really is bliss. Edward was his favorite though. Bella begged Edward to tell Amethyst the truth. Bella said that she needed her sister to know because her sister had always been there to keep her out of trouble. Edward caved and told Carlisle which now led them to the mental breakdown Amethyst was having. Charlie looked utterly destroyed. Rosalie knew that Charlie was hoping that Bella would mend fences with Amethyst but now realized that boat was long gone, and now Amethyst was suffering because he had forced her to try. Charlie gently picked Amethyst up and took her to the car. Rosalie walked outside with him. They were quiet as they put her in the car and wrapped her in the blanket. Charlie closed the door and they walked over to a bench by the garage entrance. They sat down and Rosalie to talk with him.
"Amethyst is a sweet girl who has had way too much responsibility pushed onto her." Rosalie said
Charlie was now looking at her.
"I think sometimes people tend to forget that Amethyst is the younger sibling simply because she is more mature than Bella is. Amethyst is smart and beautiful and acts much older than she is. Bella is immature and doesn't think before she acts. I don't think ever stopped to think what Amethyst has sacrificed for Bella. Can you think back to a time where Amethyst truly acted her age?" Rosalie challenged Charlie
Charlie began to think hard and realized it had been years, but it was always the summer's when she came to Fork without Bella or Renee calling after her. Charlie seemed to finally understand why his Gem refused to forgive Bella.
"It wasn't just this time with Bella that would do this to Amethyst. It is every time where Bella was chosen over her. Every time that Bella made a decision that hurt you. Every time that Bella spat the protection and care that Amethyst gave her back into her face. This time was merely the last straw. Amethyst will need someone to talk to, Mr. Swan. I would like for her to continue to be able to talk to me. I know Esme already loves her. She has been so excited being able to show off her culinary and baking skills you would think she's cooking for an army." Rosalie said with a slight chuckle even Charlie had to smile at that
"At least Amethyst has somebody" Charlie thought "I can't believe how badly I messed up with her. Amethyst has done so much for the family. She watches over Bella. She studies and works hard in all her hobbies and school work. Amethyst took care of him and the house. Did she even still talk to Jacob anymore? Does she even have the time? God, I have one daughter who works too hard and the other one is so immature and self absorbed that she can be classified as a danger to herself and Amethyst. I'll make this up to Amethyst somehow. I'll be a better father to her."
Charlie and Rosalie went back inside to a fuming Renee who was stewing over how she believed Amethyst was "overreacting" and "seeking attention". Renee immediately went to tell Charlie off about how he handled Amethyst.
"Really Charlie? You just gave in like that. Amethyst should have been punished for acting that way." Renee said exasperated with the situation
Rosalie was trying to keep her mouth shut.
"So this where Bella got her attitude from. Amethyst I am so sorry for how your childhood had to of have gone." Rosalie thought
Charlie seemed to get a big wide eyed look before seriousness set in.
"Gem was hurting, Renee. Has this ever happened before?! You need to tell me right now." Charlie demanded
"For God's sake Charlie calm down. Of course it used to happen when she was younger. She would always throw  a tantrum when Bella got something and she couldn't have it. She didn't want to give up dance, but I forced her to because it was waste of money just to send her three hours away and Bella didn't want to go. She tends to overreact to the littlest things. So what? She's a teenager now, Charlie, she's going to try and push boundaries." Renee said as if Charlie was an idiot
Charlie stared at her stupefied.
"You don't know your daughter at all, do you?" Charlie said in disbelief
For the first time in years it was like he could see clearly. Renee had left and took his girls with him. Bella had always been Renee's princess but Amethyst was always Daddy's little girl. He now could see how severely they had messed up as parents. Charlie forced Renee to sit before he sat across from her.
"Renee besides singing what does Amethyst do for fun and career?" Charlie asked slowly
Renee looked at him and had to think.
She couldn't think of anything. Why couldn't she think of anything?
"She hung out with Bella and her friends." She answered unsure
"Bella and Gem don't have the same interests, Renee. Please tell me you realize that." Charlie said
Renee had to think hard. She knew everything about Bella why couldn't she think of anything for Amethyst. Phil came in and realized that Renee seemed to be getting upset so he came over.
"Hey what's going on?" Phil asked them and he nodded to Rosalie over in the corner watching everything go down
"I don't know anything about Amethyst. I don't know who her friends are. I don't know what she does for fun." Renee said in growing horror
"Of course you do. Ames loves her dancing. She makes quite a bit of money going it. She speaks several languages and often reads. She does photography. She had an art thing a couple months before they left. Ames and I ran together before breakfast. The girl can cook. She did breakfast because she said you could burn water and Bella and fire shall never happen." Phil said running off a list of stiff
Charlie and Renee stared at him.
"How do you know all that? I couldn't think of anything." Renee said feeling horrible
"That's cause you focus on Bella most of the time. Ames does too now that I think about it. Ames carried a backpack with her filled with survival stuff. It has all of your and Bella's paperwork in it. Camping stuff in case they ever got lost outside. An extravagant first aid kit for Bella. Ames took her responsibilities very seriously." Phil said
Both Charlie and Renee felt really guilty but relieved that Amethyst was so well educated.
"She came to Forks to get away and have a normal teenage experience. Ames really missed Forks. She said couldn't come back here without Bella though. Apparently Bella loved the heat and sun of Jacksonville. You told her that either you both go or neither and Ames hasn't come back to Forks since. I always wondered why but I just assumed you wanted her close to Bella since she was the youngest." Phil finished before getting up to go get some coffee
Charlie and Renee both realized they have a lot to work on with Amethyst and were hopeful that she would forgive them.

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