Crazies are after Bella

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A lot has happened in the last few months. Bella and Edward are dating. Now I'm not mad at her for that. Edward on paper is a very good catch if you're into the old fashioned my girl is to do what I say kind of guy. Edward is extremely old fashioned. He doesn't kiss Bella, doesn't hug her. You would never know the two were dating if you didn't always see the two together. Bella is happy with him but she has shown her true colors. The Bella I know and the Bella Dad knows are two separate people. He sees the girl that is just like him. I see the self centered crueler Bella that hides before she strikes. The Cullen family is really private. Now I've met and talked with Esme and Rosalie. Both are really motherly. Emmett is like the goofball older brother I could definitely get used to. I stay away from Jasper and I hate Edward. Jasper is too quiet for me. He is sneaky. I don't like it. I hate Edward because he turned Bella into something worse than she was before we moved. Bella is never home. She doesn't visit Dad because she is always with Edward. It is breaking Dad's heart and I hate Edward for it. I make sure to visit Dad every day at work after school. I do my homework there and bring him something to eat and a change of clothes. I go home and clean and cook. I haven't been doing too well either. When I go to sleep I wake up in the middle of the night petrified. One night it was so bad that I went downstairs and I swore I heard Bella and Edward in her bedroom. I grabbed Dad's shotgun and sat outside his bedroom door. I felt like I needed to be there. Oh did I forget to mention that I met some psycho in my sisters room before she ran off.
Flashback Begins
I was sitting with Dad chatting about the day. We had gone hunting with Harry who seemed impressed by me having a bow and arrow I hunt with. We gave it to Harry who said he would be sending some venison steaks and stew our way. Bella came in screaming at Edward through the door.
"Leave me alone!" Bella screamed at him before slamming the door in his face and running upstairs
Dad and I looked worriedly at each other before going after her.
"What happened?" Dad asked
"What did he do?" I asked
Bella was moving around in her room.
"Nothing I...he...uggh" Bella stumbled around
She was rushing but then I noticed the suitcase and Dad did too. We both began to panic. I couldn't leave. I loved it here. I was free to be whoever  I wanted here. Bella was trying to steal that away from me. She wasn't thinking about me at all.
"Bella, you can't just leave. Just stop and we can talk this out. Did he break up with you?" Dad said desperately trying to get her to stop trying to leave
"No I broke up with him." Bella said not slowing down
"Then what's wrong? You wouldn't be trying to leave for nothing?!" I shouted at her
"I can't do this anymore. Everything around me reminds me of him. I have to get away. I'm going back to Phoenix. I'll meet up with Mom." Bella said going down the stairs
I launched myself in front of her and snagged her bag trying to wrestle it from her. Dad was staring at us as I was trying to stop Bella.
"There is nothing you can do tonight. Mom isn't in Phoenix and there is no way you could have gotten a plane ticket with no notice!" I grunted as Bella fought me
"I'll drive I need time to think anyway." She said finally getting the suitcase back but I stood in front of the door
"Bella that is completely unsafe. You can't do that." Dad said
"When I'm tired I'll stop at truck stop. I'll be careful I promise." Bella said trying to move me from the door
"Bella, please. I just got you back. I'll stick around more and cut back so we can spend more time together." Dad begged her but she was completely uncaring
"And what hmm. Stick around every day with steak and cobbler. That's you guys that's not me." Bella said devastating Dad and me
Dad looked close to tears and I was already crying. Bella was able to shove me aside.
"Bella please." Dad tried one last time
"No if I do I'll be stuck here like Mom." Bella said before slamming the door as she left
I don't remember too much after that. I don't remember Dad calling my name as I slid to the floor. I don't remember Dad picking me up like a child and going into Bella's room. What I do remember is looking up as a man sped into her room from the window. I went to scream and suddenly his hand was over my mouth.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. After all Daddy just went to sleep and I could always use a little snack." The guy whispered with a smirk
"Now I am going to let go and you are going to write a little note to Daddy saying you went after Bella with a friend and if you are smart and do as I say, Daddy lives to see another day." He said before letting go of my mouth
I was panicking. Was this why Bella left? This psycho was after her? Why did she not tell Dad so we could be prepared?! The psycho actually passed me paper and a pen. I quickly came up with an idea. I picked up the pen and began to quickly write. The man waited until I was finished before snatching the paper and reading it before freezing. My power kicking in. The paper read:
You will not be able to kill Bella Swan nor being harm or death unto anyone of Swan blood. You shall tell me your name and enough information about yourself so that if you do harm someone of Swan blood. You will find some way to kill yourself.
He stared at me in complete shock and horror. His body forcing him to give in to my commands.
"Who are you?!" I demanded
"I go by James."
"What should I know about you I'd something happens to Bella?" I demanded trying to find a way to keep my family safe
"I am a vampire. My talent is to track people. I can track anyone anywhere. I travel with two others, Victoria and Laurent. Victoria has a talent to make people do what she wants by using her allure. Laurent is good with information gathering."
James was so angry. He couldn't stop himself and he couldn't get away without me finishing my questions. I figured he was crazy so I simply ignored the vampire bit of info.
"Are they with you now?" I asked
"No I'm hunting by myself."
"Leave and never come near us again."
When he kept out the window. I gasped before running to the window and I saw he disappeared. I began to panic but I knew I would have to keep this from Dad. I had no way to explain my powers. I hated Bella in that moment and I had no plans on ever forgiving her.
Flashback End

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