House of Wayne

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Maybe I should've stayed dead. But did I ever really die? I don't know. Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. But I sure as hell didn't expect the world to become this hell.

They say that it's our choices that make us who we are. But my choices, were made for me. I never would've become this broken vigilante , breaking bones for vengeance in the name of Justice, if it hadn't happened the way it did.

Maybe My parents weren't supposed to die that night. Maybe... I wasn't supposed to be born and maybe... My alter ego, Bruce, was supposed to live.

Jason, Richard, Damian, Everyone would've been alive. I brought them into this. I feel responsible. I wish Alfred was here. He would've understood.

I used to think I'm the one who Controls my fate. But it's not me. It was never me. I was nothing but a puppet. Puppet to this entire foundation. Damn you Barry Allen, whoever the fuck you are.

If these are my last words. Then so be it. I did not get to choose how my story started. But I damn well know how I want it to end. My death will all be upon me. This is my last crusade,my legacy. After this, there will be light.


With a heavy heart, Bruce Wayne folds the letter and places it inside a rose boutique. He walks down the Wayne Manor into a Cave. There's a big Graveyard inside it. Bruce hates horror so much that he built one to remind him of the hate. But more than the horror, the dark graveyard reminds him of the pain. He looks at the Yard. All family buried here. He walks inside. He Stops in front of a grave marked as Alfred Pennyworth.

"A Father, A friend and one hell of a Badass"

Bruce smirks. He Crouches down and places the boutique on top of it.

"I won't let you down, Alfred. I promise" a tear falls down on the grave as he says it. He's not weak. He's ready. He walks out of the graveyard towards the end of the Cave. Outside the Cave, he sees a silhouette of a girl, she's waiting. He walks towards her.

"It's Time, Bruce" she says
"I Know. Get your Army in position. We Fight at dawn" Bruce Replies. The girl's Tiara shines on his eye. Moon's reflection.
"They ARE In position. Suit up" She replies. She's angry and battle ready, yet her voice seems calm. Love truly defines her Amazonian heart. She's one of a kind. Diana, Queen of Themiscyra.

They walk towards the Giant gates of the Wayne Manor. Bruce presses a button of what seems like a detonator. Behind them, the Wayne Manor crumbles and fire emerges from within. Before they reach the gates, the Manor is in ashes.
So falls the house of Wayne.

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