My Secret Admirer (Luke Henson)

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"I don't mind that you've done illegal things!" - Laren

Luke held onto the wall tightly as he looked aroung the corner. He was watching a very important person opening a locker.

Please like it, please like it, please like it.

That person opened their locker and a little balloon floated out of it. The balloon had the words 'you're my everything' written on it. The owner of the locker smiled and pulled on the balloon's strings to lower it. She hugged the balloon to her chest. She then tied the balloon's string to her bag.

Hell yeah!

Luke fist bumped himself.

The owner of the locker suddenly looked around and noticed Luke.

"Hi Luke!"

Oh fucking shit,

"H-Hi Laren! Wonderful morning we're having, a-aren't we?" Luke replied awkwardly.

"Yes, it's been a very good morning!" Laren smiled. "Do you have any idea who placed this balloon inside my locker?"

"N-Nope! I've never saw that thing before in my life!" Luke immediately answered.

"Hmm." Laren smiled to herself. "Okay, if you say so"

"Y-Yeah.. I-I'll see you around?" Luke stammered.

"Definitely!" Laren winked at Luke before closing her locker and walked away but she stopped and turned around.

"Thank you, by the way"

"For what?" Luke was truly confused.

"Just... thanks" Laren continued to walk away. After Laren disappeared, Luke held on to his heart and gasped.

Whoah, that was a close one.

"Did it work?" Luke's friend suddenly jumped in to him.

"Get off!" Luke shoved his friend a few feet away from him, "And yes, she liked it"

"How did you even get into her locker?" Theo raised an eyebrow.

"I paid some nerd to figure out her locker combination for her. It took them three days" Luke explained. Theo resisted rolling his eyes at his crazy friend.

"Why don't you just confess? Everyone and their mom knows that you like Laren" Theo rolled his eyes.

"I-I might not be as lucky as you and Kath!" Luke looked at Theo with terrified eyes.

"I'm sure the level of how much Laren likes you right now is more than how much Kath liked me when I confessed to her" Theo pointed out.

"What?" A voice asked from behind them.

Theo and Luke froze. Theo turned around with a big smile.

"K-Kath! Babe, I-"

"You think I didn't like you that much when I agreed to go out with you?" Kath had tears in her eyes.

"N-No, of course not-"

"I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't like you a lot!"

"I know-"

Kath huffed and walked away from the two. Luke just looked at the two, feeling super awkward.

"S-Shouldn't you run after her?" Luke pointed at Kath's leaving figure.

"Nah, she'll get over with it. She got mad at me yesterday for putting mustard on my hot dog instead of ketchup; she got over it in like, five minutes" Theo waved it off.

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