Chapter 1

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I was about halfway there to my destination when I got a phone call. I pressed my Bluetooth button trying to concentrate on the road. 

It was my brother and he started to ramble on about this concert I planned on taking him to. I rolled my eyes I loved him more than anything but when he was hyped there was no stopping him.

"Lexa you're still taking me right?" Mike asked frantically.

I chuckled at how nervous he was.

"Lexa, please don't flake on me." My brother grunted.

"Mike, calm down I already paid for the damn tickets I can assure you that I'm not going to flake." I assured my younger brother laughing at his anxious habits.

"I got to go, I'll text you later." I said ending the call.

I arrived at my location, my smile suddenly fading. I just needed to pick up my last check and I would never have to deal with these people again. I took a deep breath and entered the small store, approaching the new girl. "Is Beth here." I asked my replacement. She ignored my question and passed me my check.

"Even better I don't have to deal fake bitches today." I said loud enough to where Beth had to have heard me. I walked out of the little store, smirk on my face, and about a thousand bucks in hand.

I got in my car igniting it and returned home. My mom was in the laundry room so I took the opportunity to dart to my room. When I opened the door I was angry and confused.

Scattered around my room was shreddings of paper and on my bed was a smaller pile of shreddings. I looked closely at them and realized it was the ticket to that warped tour thing that I bought. I became furious knowing exactly who did this.

I jotted downstairs and into the laundry room. "Why did you do that?" I questioned not being able to keep myself calm.

"You didn't pay your rent on time." My mom shrugged not even phased about how upset I was. At first I was just doing this concert thing for Mike but after a while I actually wanted to go.

"Yes I fucking did I pay it on time every month so I don't have to deal with your bullshit, and that ticket was not yours to destroy. I paid for it with my fucking money so that I could take my brother to do something he likes and do things that his mom should do with him but won't cause she's a selfish bitch." By now I had gone ballistic and was yelling at her. I hated when she tried to lie and screw me out of the money that I earned.

"Have fun at that concert. Oh wait you're not going." She smirked turning her back to me and continued to fold the clean clothes.

I walked away trying not to let her comment get to me, cause I knew that's what she wanted was to get me going. I grabbed my car keys and packed a bag. I always took off like this. I even took out the back seat of my van and put a mattress inside.

I got in my car and just drove off to no where specific. I put my playlist on, I actually had one for when I was mad. My heart beat returned to its normal pace. I sat silently thinking about how I was supposed to tell Mike when I just convinced him this morning that everything was going to be fine. I let out a long sigh grabbing my phone to call him.

After about three rings he answered.

Mike can you meet me at Joey's in like 10 minutes its kind of important.

Uh, yeah is everything alright? And I'll probably need longer than ten minutes I'm in the middle of something.

Yeah everything's fine just get here when you can. I hung up and made my way to the Italian restaurant. I sat in the parking lot for a few minutes thinking and giving Mike some time.

Eventually I got out of the car and got us a booth since I hated tables. I ordered our drinks and waited patiently scrolling through a social media app on my phone.

After a few minutes Mike arrived and sat across from me waiting to hear what was wrong.

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