Chapter 2

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I sighed once more not ready to have this conversation but the concert is in two days. I have to.

"Mike, mom shredded my ticket to that concert I was suppose to take you to." I watched the expression on my brothers face change.

"Did you save the receipt?" He asked like that was the obvious fix.

I felt so dumb for not thinking about that. I mean, it should work if I have proof of buying two tickets. A smile etched onto my lips.

"It just so happens that I did." I said biting my bottom lip. I was very excited for this, for Mike, hopefully we'll both have a good time. Besides I could always use more music on my phone.

"Well, we can just take the receipt up there." He smiled.

"Oh, here it comes." Mike cheered, clearing a spot for his food. I did the same anticipating the delicious dish.

My family was never big at talking at the table so we sat quietly eating our food. Which I didn't mind because I enjoyed the quietness.

After we finished eating I figured why not get a little more in tell on this concert and what kind of music there is.

"So, Mike what artists are you looking forward to seeing?"

"Um, well I want to go see issues, letlive, of mice and men, like moths to flames. And that's all I can think of right of the top of my head!" He replied enthusiastically. I knew he loved to go on and on about the people, the vibes, etc. So I let him.

"And what kind of music do they play?" I asked.

"Um, if you want to get real general rock. But don't go in expecting Queen, or Aerosmith, or something, cuz you'll be in for a surprise." He warned me raising his eyebrows.

"Oh, sounds intriguing I'm glad you'll get to see these groups." I grinned widely at my brother. He was a good kid he deserved to do something fun.

[Next Day]

"Is your phone charged?" I asked Mike triple checking that we had everything we needed. I grabbed my receipt and put it in my pocket. I threw our backpacks in the back and drove to a local diner.

"Its barely seven I figured we could get some food before the day starts. We'll still get there around 8."

Mike nodded in response.


Good news is they were doing free parking this year. I found a decent one getting my stuff together before we got out. Mike, however was already out the door and halfway to the entrance of the venue.

I grabbed our stuff and ran after him. By the time I caught up to him I was out of breath. I took out my receipt and prayed that I could still get in. The line was just now starting  to snake as we hurried.

"Mike, take these."  I said handing him a bag of canned goods. He gave me a confused look, and explained better.

"If you go up to that gate and hand them the canned food they'll let you in." I clarified, Mike still seemed skeptical but I shooed him away as he reluctantly approached the man at the separate gate.

I talked to the lady at the "box" and showed her my receipt. She looked less than thrilled as she merely glanced at the paper.

"This isn't valid proof." Her monotone voice was starting to piss me off.

"I need the ticket." She continued speaking like she was a robot.

I scoffed pulling the shreddings out of my bag. "There it is." I said shoving the strings of paper in front of her.

"Next." She yelled ignoring me now.

I called Mike telling him that they wouldn't let me in. All he did was start to complain, with reason of course, but I wasn't in the mood to hear it.

I hung up beyond frustrated now not knowing what to do. Even though Mike was 17 I could never trust him by himself at an event like this.

"Maybe you could do me a favor." A guy spoke approaching me.

"I don't do favors for strangers." I replied turning away from him.

"I can get you inside." He said trying to convince me.

I wasn't going to lie he had my attention. I would do anything reasonable to get in now.

"Explain." I turned around crossing my arms over my chest.

"Since im short on staff you could work at the bar & grill meaning you would have to be on the inside and I could just say you're an employee." He finished with a crooked smile.

I agreed following the guy through the side. "Put this on, wash your hands put gloves on for now, and Daisy will help you out." The guy instructed me and left from behind the counter.

It was actually very busy the first few hours, Daisy explained that everyone wanted to get situated before the more recognized groups started playing.

I nodded continuing to serve the people their orders.

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